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      • [deleted]

        in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

        Posted April 8, 2022· Edited by Enduronex.4865


        • Dark Mode for GW2 Wiki?

          in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

          Posted March 27, 2022

          2 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

          So, use the in-house Dark Mode???

          It only goes to grey, not to black. That's what I'm saying. The in-house one isn't good and add-ons don't work well.

          • Chromazene.4807's Content - Page 10 (3)1
          • Nice to see that thief is pretty much removed from pvp

            in Player vs. Player

            Posted March 27, 2022

            On 3/20/2022 at 9:08 PM, lightstalker.1498 said:

            I rarely see them anymore. Specter is probably even more rare to see. Thank you anet for finally removing this abysmal class from the mode. The occasional one here and there is manageable. COunt me as one of the grateful that you have finally removed them from the game mode. Please do not buff anything about them. This trash class needs to stay out of the game mode. Next, consider removing stealth and deleting mesmer and thief from the game completely.

            This fellow clear did not watch the MATs yesterday or he'd have the clear sense to DELETE this post

            • Chromazene.4807's Content - Page 10 (4)3
            • Dark Mode for GW2 Wiki?

              in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

              Posted March 27, 2022

              On 3/18/2021 at 6:25 PM, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

              Or, just use any one of the available add-ons offered by your browser.I use one for the forums, as they seem much too white.

              The add-ons don't work perfectly.

              • Chromazene.4807's Content - Page 10 (5)1
              • So are going to address Aura Animations in Competitive Modes Or?

                in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                Posted March 15, 2022

                Having concentric auras that occupy the same 3d x,y,z game space is a problem for players trying to identify the particular aura an enemy player has. Also, the icons should be color coded to reflect to specific type of aura on a particular player. Basically, they need to be more telegraphed for better player responsiveness.

                • Can we finally remove elixir s (shrink) stomping?

                  in Player vs. Player

                  Posted March 14, 2022

                  It's not broken because there is comparatively little access to stability in the game now (as there was plenty of access prior to Feb 2020 patch). Next thing you'll do is re-start the discussion about how Elixir Gun is apparently broken because you can't dodge a red circle that is in the same place and ignore the broken harbinger and vindicator classes as well as the Jade Mech instantly reviving...

                  • I wanted to come back...

                    in Player vs. Player

                    Posted March 12, 2022· Edited by memausz.7264

                    On 3/9/2022 at 2:14 AM, Rufo.3716 said:

                    I honestly really wanted to come back. I've been craving some go PvP and then I come back to this crap fest. Easily the most broken complete garbage excuse of PvP I've ever seen for this game. I'm curious if the devs have addressed this and will be fixing it soon or if they are being a bunch of chicken kittens and not saying a word. I've been looking for info and haven't seen any. That leads me to believe they haven't owned up to this screw up.To even release the xpac in the state it is in was really pathetic. Let alone if they are silent and not even admitting they screwed up badly makes it even worse.

                    It won't because the community is full of biased players who don't want to admit that their builds are broken and instead complain about ELIXIR GUN, of all skills as being broken XD. Yeah, so um, 5 guaranteed hits doing 11K of damage from vindicator isn't broken.... float pulsing from harbinger isn't broken.... thieves constantly having no CD between stealthing and cluster bombing or heartseeking you and not being able to be struck isn't broken.... warrior's incredible resistance to immobilization, CCs + high endurance regeneration isn't broken.... Jade Bot's instant revive from 0 HP isn't broken.... Willbender's high burn spikes aren't broken.... Shortbow ranger's CCs and 10+ second of posion PLUS pulsing immobilization that is unblockable isn't broken.... the fact that you can one shot out of stealth on mesmer isn't broken.... elementalist's non-stop barrier generation isn't broken....

                    Not to mention the fact that rangers can switch pets when down to keep healing

                    Literally every problem with balance right now, when pointed out, is denied by influential members of the GW2 PvP playerbase and that's why fixes aren't implemented. Because the balance team thinks the state of the game is okay. It's not.

                    • Upcoming Changes to "The Battle For The Jade Sea"

                      in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                      Posted March 8, 2022

                      That's fair, ArenaNet, just keep in mind that it takes a commander THIS GOOD + voice comms + the completion of pre-meta events in order to accomplish this. It really should only be GOOD Commander + pre-meta events.

                      • Chromazene.4807's Content - Page 10 (6)4
                      • Chromazene.4807's Content - Page 10 (7)3
                      • Allow Fishing in Heart of the Mists

                        in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                        Posted March 7, 2022

                        I want to be able to fish in the waterfall in between PvP matches. That is all.

                        • Nerf Vindicator

                          in Player vs. Player

                          Posted March 7, 2022

                          On 3/1/2022 at 6:52 PM, Ashgar.3024 said:

                          We just had to deal with 2 years of brainless Core Necro meta. Rev having a spotlight for a bit wouldn't be a tragedy.

                          Yeah, you don't make something spotlight by making it broken. How come Age of Empires II developers understand this but we don't?

                          • Nerf Vindicator

                            in Player vs. Player

                            Posted March 7, 2022

                            On 3/1/2022 at 5:21 PM, grx.8714 said:

                            Haha there we go the first nerf post xD

                            I was betting if it was this or harbinger.

                            Enjoy the diversity, play it yourself.

                            I am actually playing vindi same as herald playstyle and not as bunker.

                            Maybe it's too early to say, but damage is over the top, if the enemy don't dodge I can oneshot with vindi gs5 combo.

                            Just enjoy the change for a while...

                            Eh yeah actually vindicator and harbinger are broken in PvP. Too much sustain, dmg, CCs, and mobility. Just overall performing too well with too few drawbacks.

                            • DirectX 11 Graphics Issues

                              in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

                              Posted February 20, 2022

                              Anyone going to mention the kitten blobs on Temple map in PvP with DX11 beta?

                              • Engineer: Juggernaut Trait Either Does Not Appear to Or Actually Does Not Increase Might Duration by 10%

                                in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

                                Posted January 28, 2022

                                On 1/25/2022 at 5:09 AM, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

                                Or, as happens often, the Hero Panel does not reflect what actually is happening.

                                Yes, but looking at the battle chat and live data, the might duration REALLY does not increase by 10%.

                                • Engineer: Juggernaut Trait Either Does Not Appear to Or Actually Does Not Increase Might Duration by 10%

                                  in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

                                  Posted January 25, 2022

                                  The Juggernaut trait clearly states that if it is equipped, Might Duration applied to you will have an increased duration of 10%. But when you equip this trait, at least in PvP maps, your character's might duration is not listed as increased in the Hero Panel. So either the description is wrong, or it is correct and the bonus isn't applying as intended.

                                  • Tournament Quiters

                                    in Player vs. Player

                                    Posted January 25, 2022

                                    On 1/17/2022 at 1:29 PM, Genesis.5169 said:

                                    That happens the chance of you making teams of randoms for AT's goes to almost to zero. Nobody does ATs arleady at best you see 4 teams and 2 of them are the same team most of the time not sure you wanna go down that road if you like ATs.

                                    Well I'd rather the quitters not join ATs at all and have people set up groups and reach out to you if they've played some ATs with you in the past than permit quitters to keep quitting on regular players with impunity. The idea that punishment will destroy the game is a concession that bad behavior is ALREADY DESTROYING THE GAME. So yeah, actually, we DO NEED TO start punishing these players.

                                    • Tournament Quiters

                                      in Player vs. Player

                                      Posted January 17, 2022

                                      15 hours ago, Genesis.5169 said:

                                      Nobody wants to come to a game no matter how much gold is on the line to get washed, i bet you did it with randoms too because no one has anywhere to practice as a team to gain confidence with each other in a hard settings with something you can view as measurable (no 5v5s in ranked).

                                      Find a full static to do it with and its gonna be hard because there absolutely no reason to 5man and no where to do it. And a bunch of g2s and g3s practice in 5man pubstomping is not gonna prepare them too beat p2 randoms. Perhaps a group of earned g2-3 statics in ranked would lose to for sure they would do far better then the guys only pub stomping unranked.

                                      Yes, but people need to be PUNISHED for BAD BEHAVIOR. That's the point! A mere 15 minutes isn't going to stop people from doing this. They need to be banned from participating in ATs for 24 hours for the first offense and for 72 the next, a week the third, and for a whole seasonal period (3 months approx) for fourth offense

                                      • Chromazene.4807's Content - Page 10 (8)1
                                      • Favorite/Least Favorite Class to Fight Against

                                        in Player vs. Player

                                        Posted October 15, 2021

                                        This is merely my anecdotal experience;

                                        I HATE fighting engineers with permanent pulsing stability and a flamethrower;

                                        I HATE fighting rangers who use One Wolf Pack, Quickness longbow Rapid Fire to do 20K in like 1.3 seconds (plus their 10+ seconds of poison and bleeding)

                                        I HATE fighting thieves who nonstop 6K backstab or heartseeker from stealth and deadeyes who unblockably CC you into a 4x4K chain of rifle shots and Death's Judgement.

                                        Oh, I also hate getting CCed by dead magebane tether spellbreakers.

                                        • Chromazene.4807's Content - Page 10 (9)1
                                        • Chromazene.4807's Content - Page 10 (10)1
                                        • Celestial/Minstrel Manifesto [Merged]

                                          in World vs. World

                                          Posted October 15, 2021

                                          I agree.

                                          • Chromazene.4807's Content - Page 10 (11)2
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                                          • Chromazene.4807's Content - Page 10 (13)2
                                          • 4:25 EST on a Saturday in NA... XD

                                            in Player vs. Player

                                            Posted July 17, 2021

                                            14 minutes ago, razaelll.8324 said:

                                            The average Q time says 2 minutes , so i guess you are high rating to wait that long for a match. Its really sad that you have to wait so long for a match.

                                            1550 is not that high. It used to be 2 min queues.

                                            • Chromazene.4807's Content - Page 10 (14)2
                                            • 4:25 EST on a Saturday in NA... XD

                                              in Player vs. Player

                                              Posted July 17, 2021


                                              Man, the population is gone.

                                              • Incorrect Description for Elixir Gun Skills in PvP

                                                in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

                                                Posted June 27, 2021

                                                Hello. Certain Elixir Gun skills on Engineer class, specifically Healing Mist, Acid Bomb, and Super Elixir, all have skill descriptions indicating the user will gain 2 stacks of Might for 15.5 seconds when the user have HGH in the Alchemy trait lineequipped. This is an error - it should say that the user gains 3 stacks of might for 6.25 seconds when using these skills.




                                                • Minion Mancer needs to get nerfed more!!!

                                                  in Player vs. Player

                                                  Posted June 24, 2021

                                                  On 6/20/2021 at 7:37 AM, razaelll.8324 said:

                                                  And they are number 2 and 3 because of the build not because they are good players right?

                                                  I understand that the build is annoying but also not that hard to kill so maybe if you try to improve your gameplay and you will see that MM is not a problem, try to fight it as deadeye and you will see how fast it goes down.

                                                  That's because deadeye itself is busted XD - stealth, stealth stealth, evade, evade, evade, blind, blind, blind, CC, CC, CC, pew pew pew, Death's judgement x3, repeat.

                                                  • Just had an hour of my day wasted because one of the pugs decided to get salty and leave mid tournament.

                                                    in Player vs. Player

                                                    Posted June 24, 2021

                                                    I've already complained about this so many times - The CS team and whichever team is responsible for PvP tournament rules and progression do not care. You make a ticket - guess what? CS team says it cannot help you. Even if you show them your name as the username that enrolled in the tournament. They cannot be bothered.

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                                                  Chromazene.4807's Content - Page 10 (2025)
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                                                  Author: Allyn Kozey

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                                                  Name: Allyn Kozey

                                                  Birthday: 1993-12-21

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                                                  Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.