The Daily Messenger from Canandaigua, New York (2025)

Tuesday, July 2, 1974--Daily Messenger, Cannndniguu, N.Y.--1'uge 11 Evidence Suggests Organic Life Throughout The Universe Doctor doesn't care but boyfriend's kept away By Abigail Van Buren hy ChEuga Tribyne-M. Y. Klnj lie. A ABBY: 1 just read the most horrifying article in the Wall Street Journal headlined: "Painful Puzzle Viral V.D. Contagious and Doesn't Go Away." Then it described the horrors of Herpes 2, a genital-area virus which manifests itself in painful lesions, akin to facial "cold sores." The article stated that Herpes 2 is approaching gonorrhea as the next most prevalent venereal disease, is highly contagious, can be contracted by males, results in infant mortality and cervical cancer and, once contracted, can never be cured and will recur sporadically! Abby, 1 am a woman who has suffered from Herpes 2 since 19G7, and never once has my physician evinced the least concern over it.

He prescribed only symptomatic relief remedies and vitamin and said, "Let it run its course." Since my boyfriend saw the article, he's been treating me like I have leprosy. Please consult with your experts and let us thousands of Herpes sufferers know if the medical world concurs with this article's evaluation. SIGN MB, HERPES A A DEAR A A While the article is unstandobly alarming, it does not necessarily follow that all the facts concerning Herpes 2 apply to you. If your doctor is not investigating the new developments in the study of Herpes 2, find one who is, and make an appointment for two examinations for you and one for your boyfriend). And don't hesitate to ask the doctor any and all questions concerning this disease.

DEAR A A wife wrote to say she had found a pair of nylon panties in her husband's pickup truck, and you jumped to the conclusion that some gal friend had left them there. You overlooked something, Abby. Those panties could have been her husband's! There are lots of men who like the feel of smooth, soft undies next to their bodies. And don't get the idea that they aren't all men because they are. I know.

I've been on the police force years, and before that 1 was with the U. S. Marines, and I'm one of those men. I'm also a husband and father of six. So, Dear Abby, did you ever consider the possibility that there was no lady in the picture? WEAR PANTIES I GET THE DEAR A No, I didn't.

But you wouldn't believe the number of your "brothers 1 who wrote to suggest it. CONFIDENTIAL TO "Can't Believe It" In Kenosha: It's true. Maria Echeverria, wife of Mexico's president, announced that 35,000 pawn tickets worth 8800,000 were being redeemed from national pawnshops, at no cost, to the women.who held them, as a government gift for Mother's Day. So thousands of Mexican women got their sewing machines, blenders and other household appliances out of hock free of charge. ly, yi, yi! Problems? You'll feel better if you get it off your chest.

For a personal reply, write to ABBY: Box No. 69700, L.A., Calif. 90069. Enclosed stamped, self-addressed envelope, please. Crossword By Eugene Sheffer By A I F.

SALISBUK Christian Xi-ws Service Boston--There is a growing conviction among scientists in many nations that organic life is spread throughout the universe. Within Ihe lasl few weeks: --Thunder and violent sea waves pounding on earth's ancient shores could have produced the organic materials which life spawned. University of Maryland laboratory studies have shown. --Ancient bacteria, between 10,000 and 1 million years old, have been pulled from deep, below the Antarctic ice cap. Exposed to air, they revived and began to grow.

--Most important, chemicals that living cells use to store energy have been made for the first time out of simple chemicals thought to have existed in earth's primitive atmosphere. Two Decades of Change Since the l'J50s there has been a complete turn around in the way scientists view the chances of life elsewhere in the universe. Where before they thought that life must be very rare, more and more are accepting the possibility that life has evolved on many planets. One reason for this change of heart is gathering evidence for the theory of chemical evolution. This theory holds that under certain conditions the development of life is a because of the chemistry of the elements from which it is formed.

The first evidence that this may have indeed been the case came in 1953 when amino acids, the chemical building blocks of life, were first synthesized by passing an electric shock through a mixture of methane, ammonia, and water vapor -the mix of gases which scientists feel covered earth before life evolved. Since that time, scientists have also determined that various bits and pieces of nucleic acid, the carrier of the genetic code, can he similarly formed. Many Paths Found Experiments have found that these organic materials could have been created in many ways. Not only lightning, but also thunder and violent sea waves could have produced the precursors of life. The formation and collapse of bubbles in (he air and oceans under extreme conditions could have driven simple chemicals to form complex compounds.

Also, there has even been some evidence a amino acids may link together to form chains similar to proteins under the right conditions, says Ur. Cyril Ponnamperuma, director of the Laboratory of Chemical Evolution at the University of Maryland. It was in this laboratory that Ihe first evidence of the "Krebs cycle," an energy cycle crucial to living cells, has recently been found. The chemicals that make up this cycle appear to have been formed from gases that were present in earth's early atmosphere. This cycle is central to life forms today.

It converts sugar and carbohydrates into a series of acids which the cell either stores or burns for energy. (The citric acid which gives a grapefruit its sour taste is the best known.) New Chemical Evidence This is the first evidence that a biologists call a "biological pathway," a complex and interrelated scries of reactions that take place within a living cell, may have occurred spontaneously on earth billions of years ago. "The fact that we have seen these chemicals strongly suggests that early cells may have used existing reactions rather than inventing them," says Dr. Ponnamperuma. Taking primitive atmosphere and adding acetic acid, a substance produced along with amino acids in past experiments, and a i this mixture with radiation, University of Maryland scientists discovered to their surprise and delight that they could identify seven out of the eight acids in the cycle.

"If the identifications are correct, then 1 think this represents a remarkable advance," comments Dr. Keith Kvenvolden of the Department of Chemical Evolution of the a i a A a i and Space Administration in Mountain View, Calif. Frozen Hucleria Revived Besides the development of the chemical theory of evolution, appreciation for the extreme conditions that earth life-forms can i is another i a factor supporting the belief that life is spread throughout the The National Science Foundation has announced thnt two scientists from the Darwin Research Institute in Dana Point, have revived bacteria at least 10,000 years old from a state of suspended animation. This finding bears on the possibility of life on Mars, says Dr. Koy E.

Cameron, an Antarctic veteran and head of the universe. research team. Reed Corners Mrs. Ralph Ellis Weekend guests of Mr. and Road spent last weekend in Mrs.

Loren Shaw of the Middle Detroit, where Bill is Road were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce enrolled in the University of Saunders of East Hampton, Detroil Law School and will and i i a and Richard Sligo of South Hadley Falls, Mass. They all attended the wedding of Miss Terry Blair and Robert Collins of Canandaigua. Mrs.

Shaw was in the wedding party of her sister at begin his studies in August. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ellis attended a Western Square Dance caller's school near Albany on June 27, 28 and 29. Totem poles are a tradition of the Congregational Church in some Indian tribes of the Canandaigua, June 22.

Mr. and Mrs. i i a Bigham and son Bill of DePew northwest -coast of North America and represent family lineage. MOST BIG MIDTSATE SUPER MARKETS WILL BE OPEN THURSDAY JULY 4th FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE CHECK YOUR FAVORITE STORE FOR HOURS I ACROSS 1 Moccasin 4 Carpet surface 8 Beechnuts 12 Self 13 Miracle site 14 Arrow poison 15 New York City, el al. 17 Cows (dial.) 18 Legal wrong 19 Hop kilns 20 Limited (Fr.) 22 Temperate 24 Medicinal plant 25 Frolics 29 New: comb, form 30 Girl of song 31 Lamb's mother 32 Conducts 34 Den 35 Thin board 36 Dogmatic principles 37 French revolutionist 40 To stop (Scots Law) 41 Solar disk 42 Erie, for one 46 Wander 47 Neglect 48 Spanish river 49 Small barracuda 50 Flutters an eyelash 51 Enemy agent Avg.

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The Daily Messenger from Canandaigua, New York (2025)
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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.