The Freeman's Journal and National Press from Dublin, Dublin, Ireland (2024)

a4ai eeiseciM. news. t.ND eXPLOttiTIOK. INDIAN ltAIL WATS. B'b'y Bar 212 16 (J Ind Pea a India An 27 8 i Madras.S...

in fid nor IARKET IWS. 30i Od to 32 Od: CaliforniHi and WV' a7 8d 10 Indian meal, per 1121b White, Ss to 5s 91 ysllew, 4s 8d.to4s Sd. Cr Bruiswl, 4s fid ts 4s 9,1. LONDON (KabzLans-i-April 19-(Spcul MAZAWATTEE THE STANDARD BRANI MAZAWATTEE THE STANDARD BRAND LONDON MONET MARKET, (SBOM OCK OWN CORfcESPONDBST.) (BY SPECIAL WIRE.) London, Tuesday Evening. The Money Market was very qaiet, though loan vatw were ratheT easier tlds afternoon.

Call kns, after beinj 2 to 2, closed no bet-tr than 2 to 2. Dkcount ratU8 ft-ere firmer if anything, brokers quotinj for three uiontlis' paper. Paris cheque comes 29-34 Berlin, 20-54; and Rio Exchange, 5J. The sum of 236,000 German gold was bought by the Bank, 50,000 sent in from Egypt, and 30,000 from Aostria but 25,000 United States coin was sold. The Stock markets were very depressed all day as war between Spain and the United States is generally regarded as inevitable.

Business was extremely quiet, and the fall in values, chiefly due to the action of the dealers in quoting lower prices as a precautionary measure rather than to any heavy sellers. In Government Funds. Consols for money and account each lost India Three and a Half per Cent, while Local rose i Among idome Rails, movsments were all to weaker figures, ail descriptions suffering Great Eastern recorded a fall of Ik Great BUTTE E. DUBLIN Little Grbin) Araic 19. Market supplied.

Tone fltit and easier. Fine gonds wly readily nogo-ttated. Finest farmera' ceols, 16d per lb tine do, 9jd per lb goed ordinary, 8d to 9d per lb low, 7jd per lb factories, 82s to 88s 8d per cwt; creams, 91ia 4d to 98a do selected, 102s 8d per cw 6 Danish nearly done. DUBLIN (Wholbsalk, Kkviw stb-ibt) ApbilIS Supplies of butter in this neighbourhood to-day were very moderate. Demand fair for choice goods only.

Creams, lOd to I04d per lb; factories, 8ld to 9jd per lb; finest cools, 9Ad to lOd per lb tecondi, 8d 8d firkins, 74d to 8Jd and 9d per lb. Danish, 98s 102s per cwt, COEK April 39 Firsts 81s: seceneV thirds, 80s; fourths, 74s. Mild cured, superfine, 88s; fine, 84s. In msrkit 86 flrkini, 1 kee, 62 tsaild, 7 boxes. CATTLE BIRMINGHAM Aheil 19 Cattle and pig supplies short; trade better.

Beef, 4d to 6d per lb; mutton, 5d to 81d per lb; lamb.fld to 10d per lb; veal, Sid to 8d per lb; bacon pigs, 9s ou iw score porsetf, 9s Sd to 10a per uura; suns, oa to ys a per soora. JNJiiWCASrLE April 19 Urger supply; trade imilar. Prime heifers. 6s 9d to ateers an sesona-ciaas animals, 5s Sd to 03 oa; carse and inferior, 4a 9d to 5s 5d. Pork trade heavy; 4a 6d to 7s 6d.

Lambs, 30s to 40s eacu. sdutcou, oa to a per lb. Veil, 4dto 84d per lb. Nam bers Cattle, shetp and iambs, 5,500 piffg, 613; Calves, 435. HULL April 19 Moderate ihow of horned acinic, which Hells at la.n 1.

i 1 ing 15 to 20; in Calvsrs, 13 to 18; urazuiif per aescs. oneeu in email supply. Hoggs sell a 42s to 46s each. LEEDS April 19 Fat stock in good supply, uu uumucBB active. Cjuotations Beef, 4d to 6d per lb; mutton, 5d to 8d per lb tn wool, and 64d per lb shoru lamb.

lOd ib; p*rn, au 10 ou per in. iu market Cattle. 794: sheen. 2.480: ns fit SALFOED Apbie lQTn Moid nnmK auw.VWW UUUlUCi ot cattle; traae Slow. About the lamn numlur nf sh9p and lambs large iucreaea in calves.

Quotations Cuttle, 44d to 6d per lb; sheep, in wool, 7d to S4d per lb; do clipped. to 74d per lb lambs, lid to la; calves, Sd to 7d per lb. COTTON. LIVERPOOL (OfENiNO) Aran, 19 There is again good Spot inquiry. Sales probably 10,000 belei, possibly more.

Import since Friday, 67,000 bales, including 55,000 bales American. Futures nuiet about 4 imint nlmo June to July-August and August-Septetaher, 3 27-6id; November-December! 3 2fi.6rl Sales. 15,000 bales, includm? 1.0011 speculation. Futures coctiuue to harden, and are now steady at 1 point advance. April to May-June, 3 28-64d, 3 284-64d; June-July, 3 28-64d, 3 29-64d; Oc tuber-November, 3 26-64d, 3 27-64d; November-December, 3 25-84d, 3 26-64d.

(Closing) AmeriBan market acttve, and good buaineas dona at hardeniag rates. Brazils quiet. Prices hardening tendency, Egyptian good business full rates, 700 eale sold. East Indian quiet, but quotations of Bengal and Tinnevelly" raised 1-I6d. Sales 1,500 bales.

Future steadv. eenerallv 1 nrnnt and April-May. 3 284-64d; My-Juue to Julv- i JSu, i-oa; augusc-aepceoiuer, Via4-b'kl; November-December to January-Februaryj p.l"4fiS DUBLIN (Wholesale) (fciwije Grben) Arun, 1 rf 11 Tin im rir prron njiMiimta nnnH 1 1.1 v06 wwawuv fiWUi Atw Oiitnii v-nrv rlnli t.n? -marlcir It-fflniiir- -vs -'iijvuiu viuai 1 Hen egg-, cbofca selected, fresh, 63 to 6s od per 120 arerage farmers' artivaU, 03 4d to 5s 9d ordinary country, 5s to 5a 3der 120 seconds, 4s 6d to 4s lOd per 120 duck egga. 7s 6d to Ss and oa per a vt a vin ij Hen eggs, 5s 4d to 5s 8d5 ducks, 7 3d to 8s per FISH. DITKT.TW i 1 held a small mixed country arrival of fish, while wirea local sr-earnars ianded between thsm 284 boxes of stuff.

Demand brisk for head dualities. Salmon, lg lOd to per inferior, Is 8d per lb best 12 6d to 17s 6d per 13; ochera, uv. pcj. AVb, buigut, CO IGQ SUu iVi e3ch; brill, Is Si to 4s each Urge, 5s and 6s; soles, best averaged 35s to 42s and 50s per 9 pair; medium, 20s to 30s per 9 pair slips 5s to 12s 6d Der lot: dorv. Is 2 nurTn ai'na Oa f.

8s per 8 cod, 4 to and'l2s per 4 haddock, firsts, 4s txi 6s per 4 others, 1 6d to 4s per ios; nate, its to at saeach; ling, 8d to Is and Is rid each conger esls, 9d to 2s and 2s 6d each; ox soles, Is to 2s 6d per lot whiting, 2s to 4a per hank; small, 8d to Is fid per lot GkIUSB SjifijciAL Rstport) April 19 Twenty-eight steamers and aeyen smacks arrived mnrlpnt ilA i UWU Uv Ul NJ 1.1 Soles, 2s 2d per lb; tnrbot, lOd to Is per lb; brills, ou par iu; icosiers, is oa; eaimon, lis od par lb; plaice, 5s 6d per stone; lemon soles, 7s per stone; whitches, 4s 6d per stone; live hslibut. 10s pot stone; dead, 8s per stone; conger eel 5s to 6s each; live lum, 2s to 4s each: dead. Is to 2s each; live cod, 4 6d each; dead, to 3s each; live skate, 6s 64 each-, dead, 4s to 5s each; livs coalfiah, 25s per score; dead, 18a per score; kit haddocks, 20 per box. WHOLESALE FRUIT, DUBLIN April 19 Very heavy supplies of flowers, tfhich wr in fair demand, but at up and down rates. Iriah fratt, as usual between seasons, very scarce, and prices nominal.

Foreign fruit in fair supply and demand. The features of the market were Australian apples, 16s to 20s pet case; Californian, 12s 6d to 15s 6d per do; best grapes, 2s 6d to 3s per lb; seconds, Is 9d to 2s per ID; a few hothouse Bamples made special figures; strawberries, 5s to 8s 6d per lb; oranges, Valencia, 203 to 25s per cas; la's to lis per do; lemons, 5s to 15s per case; melons, 3s to 4s each; cucumbers, 4s to 6s per doz; tomatoes, 4s to 6s pgr case; banana, 10s 6d to lis 6d' and 14s per crate, according to size and colour pine apples, 3s to 4a 9d each new potatoes, 4d to 6d pei lb; cauliflowers, 9d to Is 6d per doz; salad; 4d to lOd per doz; asparagus, 2s to 3s per bundle; onions very scarce, good staff, 20s per case; Egyptian, 9s 6d per bag; American' apples nominally quoted. GRAIN. DUBLIN CORN EXCHANGE -Tuesday, a. tim.

i yii earner seasona 019 with occasional beneficial showers. Our corn market to-day wan fairly attended, including many country visitors up for the Spring Show, who were havinc a look round. The stronir (mnm -j- -o reported on Friday lasf continues unabated, and there is a feverish undercurrent in thinRg in sympathy with leading market WHICH is oniv imJ Uijr auviaou iioui America, un spot a fair routine business is passing for consumption at the a lvaaeed priceademanded by holders for maize, wheat, and Sour. Indian meal is quoted 5b per ton dealer. Oat3 were held for mors lnonev.

sellers aa'chitr fid tun. selected ecreened parcels. Verv Iitf! however waa effected at advance. Meals, strong, and in good request. Irish Produce Wheat nominal, Barley nominal.

Malt, per l8lbs, la 9d te 20s 6d-secondary qualities, 18 Od to 19 6d. Osf' White, new, per l6lbs. 11 Od 12j aw' to I2" 6d old, IU id ou iwny, at oa to io Bri s.j of of 41 for th 1 week ending April 14, 451,000 dollars gross; Gi.UUU dollars lnr-oau Suez Canal receipts for yesterday 250,000 francs. LONDON STOCK" EXCHANGE NOTES. Tuesday Evening.

Late this afternoon the report was current in the Money Market that the United States would raise a big war loan in London of about 50,000,000 dollars. The market here would undoubtedly recsive such an issue with open arms, but a large issue of this kind would only serve to accentuate the daily increasing tightness in our money supplies. Nothing further has been heard ot the projected Spanish loan, and unless Messrs Rothschild advance the money on the same security as before, no house in London would ilmm taking up what from the first would be an uiLj-HituiHr loan. last wek some surprise was expressed that the Bank rate was not moved to 5 per cent in order to afford protection to the Small reserve of 18. 434.000.

Th for this is now pretty plain on account of the new policy introduced by the governor and diroctors. It would annear nulla nmnntlr tiie bank made some arivances free of charce on condition that these advances should be repaid in gold, in connection with this new policy a substantial amount of gold was yesterday announced as having been received from Germany, though it was actually received the previous night, but too late for putting in th official returns of Monday. In the Money Market, to-day it was conceded that this new policy will materially strengthen the gold reserve, while the new policy has inspired confidence to the market, a3 it displays cautionary business foresight ol the directors in protecting the interests oi the bank. Yesterday a few sales were made of Gas Light and co*ke Shares on the assumption that when the Bill cornea before the Select Committee of ths House of Comm ms for the purpose of consolidating the stock that the opposition will be so great as to lead to a failure of the Bill. There are about a dozsn different issues of this company's shares, and a consolidation would lead to a much more uniform dividend declaration At the present moment to pay a 10 per cent interest on A Preference is certainly too high.

The various issues are Ordinarv shares, Four per Cent maximum D'and Ten per Cent Preference Five per Cent Seven and a Half per Cent; Seven per Cent maximum Ten per Cent Preference; Six per Cent; Four and a Half per Cent Debenture Stock Four urt Cnt; Piohonf Stock and Six per Cent Debenture Stock. The report in circulation yesterday that the opposition at Westminster will be led by Sir Albert Ro'Jitfc. Particulars are now to hand respecting the registration of the Fine Cottra Spinners and Doublers' Association, Ltd, the prospectus of which was passed by the directors last week. The capital is 4,000,000, of which 2,000,000 ivill be Five per Cent Cumulative Preference Shares. The chairman of the company will have a salary for the first yar of 2,500, and each director will get 500 a year.

The signatories to the articles of association are Houldsworth, Newton street, Manchester; Holland, Victoria Manchester; Murray, Murray street, An-coats, ilanchester; Swindells, Bollmg-ton, Macclesfield; Moorhouse, Brinks-way Bank Miils, Stockport; Peel, Jackson Company, Manchester; and Bell House, Mynshufls Mflls, Manchester. There will be not less than five directors, the qualification beinjj 5,000 each. The Cycle Market was conspicuous for the paucity of business doini; to-day, and beyond au attempt to sell Dunlops there was nothing doing. The sale3 which have taken place ot late in these shares are said to be due to the unloading of a persona friend of Mr Hoolsv's ww JV-UV JOIH lil- side knowledge that the Dunlop Company does not possess the monopoly which they fondly imagined thi-y had. Dunlop Deferred were quoted at 7s 6d, Ss (id at the close to-m'snt, and the Preference 13s 9d, and the Ordinary 14s Gd.

For some time past the report has been hinted about that the Deferred Shares will get no dividend, and that the Ordinary Shares will probably witness a railing away. Russian Oil Shares are still in the dumps, despite tins report that au official intimation has been made as to the profits and to there being no cioud on the title to the propey. Yesterday die shares were offered down to 22. but improved slightly. The slump which has again occurred on the Stock Exchange has considerably added to the already general recession in prices.

War is looked upon as inevitable now, and some sharp fluctuations will follow in the next few day3. Before the outbreak of eruptions between Spain and chu United States took place, prices on 'Change were almost at thir highest level. Taking to-night's closing prices and comparing them with the highest obtained this year, which was just before the acuteness in the rinlitinal onfr.l.-tlr it r-lwn tliat Spanish Four per Cant have fallen 25 points, Louisville? 14, Canadian Pacific 2, Erie Preference 12, Denver Preference 11J, Norfolk Preference Milwsukees 10, New York Central 10, Illinois Central 9, North Paeitic Preference 9. Mexican' Six per Cent 8, Atchison Preference Reading First Preference 8, Wabash 7, Debentures 8, Chesapeake and Ohio 7 Trunk Guaijw-teed 6, Trunk Second Preference 5L Balti-more-and Ohio 4k, Central Pacific 4, Erie Ordinary 4J, Ontario 4J, Pennsylvania 4, Reading Shares 4, Wabash Preference 4, and Trunk First Preference 4g. LATEST AFTEE OFFICIAL HOUBS.

CLOSING PRICES. QOYERNMENT FUHDs, etc. Conaols 2j 1104 EsryptSpc 106 7xd Do, Acct 110i Local Loan 109i 104 H4R2ipel02i 3J Bank Eng 343 8 India 34 1124 13 Metrop3pcl09 11 India 3 105 4 Kupee34 614 2 COLONIAL GOFESNMBNT. Canadian 3 103 5 I Q'iand3iln 102 4 NSW4Insll5 17 ISA'atralia4 106 9 iVZeland.4 109 11 Vic 44 '85 109 11 BRITISH RAILWAYS. Brighton Do A Oaled Con Do Ohat'm Ord 184 1741 153 55i 183 6 uan York on 4 Lon I Metropol'n 19 Do Lnd 1464, 74 220 123 93 5 9 5 i 61 81 1 I 5 51 Do Pref 1344 54 Metrop Die 27 UtCent'lPref 64' Midland Def 852 Do Def 9t Eastern Gt Com Do Def Gt T7 astern 214 Brit Pr 8i 119i 1184 52i 170 471 Do Del Consl North Lon Eastern Do A 42 220 149 1071 19i 11 anil Bar 81 CANADIAN RAILWAYS Tn'd'nPac SOi 1 iGT2ndP Grand T'k 7j it Do 3rd Do 1st Pref 65 i Do 4 Guar 45 214 72' i 3 JTOUEIdV STOCKS, BONDS.

ETU 83 Germ' 3 944 Greek 5 '84 37 DoMonop4 414 Do4pcBts 30" Hung'iaT K'Oi 8 24 1 14 90 i 14 Do epcFdj; 34 5 DoCedulasA 334 4J ins Gld Rte 99 101 Brazilian '89 48i 44 Do '95 49" 50 8 Ayres 686 43 5 DoWtecBds66 7 Do Cedu I 61 Do Cedu 64 Chilian '86 72 4 Do Scrip 80 2 Chinese New 974 8 Do Gold 104" 5 Efiypt O'nif 1074, I Do34pc 1011 Do Daira 101 2 Do Domain 1034, 44 Fr'oh 34 104 5 Froh3Et 100 I ttanano 6) 89-5 pc 1001 Mex New 6 904 Do Internal 23" Peru Ord 2g. Do Prof 8 Do Deben 384 4 't. 91 94 18 3xd 114 a 74 14 i Portuc. 3 17? Prass Com 101 Russian 4 3 0 37g Tarkiah 44 964 Do5pcDof 10OJ Do Group 3 23.1 Do Group 4 20 Urogaay Ua45J 165 164 32 16 34 70 8 4 5 15 18 14 5 7i 11 12J i St 8i i I 6 6 Ayrei Bos 66J 333 74i 83 39 181 73 7 40 5 41 41 Mex 2nd Pr Nitrate E'l Unig Ur let Ottomans San Paulo Ayres "lent Arg't Cnt Urug Jlexioan Ld Mex 1st Pr tiombftrdo 61 AJfBSrOAW SAIT.WAT STOCKS. Atchis Top HJ Do 5 pc Pref 25 CenPacSh 1H Chic Mil 89 DE8 Com 11 Do Pref 43i Erie Shares 11 Do 1st Pref 32 tlliuoieCSh 101 Lake Shore 184 L'aviile Shs 4SJ ilex Buds 64J 4 i Mis Kan iQa NY Cent Shlll 3h 14 Norfolk Com 12 Pref New 61 Penn Sharaa 573 12 3 i 12 2 6 Road Ord 8 Rail Ord 7J do Pref 26 Union Pae 193 15 16 34 Do a Mor 22J BAN S3.

Bk Austral 4S Bk Brit Col 20 Bk Guar 101 Bk Waf 374 Bk BrifcS Am 94 50 1 3 8i Lon Sc. Pror Kiv Plata Loa Lon VT estr 22 3xd 484 9i 67 9 544. 54 4 13j 904 5 7 52 10J Lon JtStook 33 Capitl Co 38.J 9Jxd Nat'l Bk M'x 124 Parr's Bank 894 Stand A 63 TarapaoaBk 3J Australia 26 Poi'nofLon 34i Uli'rt dinrt SZ 3 City, 19J 20i Imper'l Ott 10 11 LndatCo lOOj 14 Laataro of 4J, San Jorge 34 Saa Oonato i 1 1 San Sebast i TRASS WATS AND 0MNIBU3PS Belfast ...16 17xd I LndGOmb 195 205J Edinburgh 34 44 Nrth Metro London Lim 9.1 10k Ji 134 64 7 London Strt 1 2ixd i TELEGRAPHS AND TELEPHONES. inglo-Amer 60 3 lOlobsTel 114 12 3 304 Do Pref 110 llxd GlobsPrsf Do Def 121 GtNrthra BrazSabm 164 17 Ntl Teleph Direct US 104 11 4 Brazil 17 294 54 12 1 8 EaatrnLim 174 18xd i I Panama D0E1 184 19 Do Pref 4 74 C7AS ANU KT.RCITRTn Trnrrrr Brush Liffhfc 15 2 1 S'tt wtnj im 7 6 7 170 Lion aiec ab 7 Wslshech 104 9as co*ke A 2R3 i Tin twp 95 150 41st Electric 18 19 DoDef St JasElec 174 184 Alliance, iC 11 52" 4 45 6 "1 i 111 121 Globe Mer Koyal TMera Mr 53 42 54 101 41 4 3 5 I I Do Marina Cam Union Suardian Cndem Mar I Employers SHIPPING. and 153 6 Eoyal Mail 52 4 AllaoppsOr 150 GuinnessOrd 570 Hanco*ck Def 17 lad C'peD'b 117 Ord 19 90 18 19 20 Do Pref 155 DoDeb 115 Barnsley Ordll4 Sarfcholom 2J 16 124 34 9xa 7 1 fxd 4 8 Maa'ter Ord 18 19 Do Prer Bristol Ord Chic Malt Do Pref DabD Ord Do Pref Denver Ord Denver Pref 8 Massey's Ord I6J 17Jt 45 1 5 1 3 74 Parker's 24 5 St Louit Ord 34 Do Pref 8 4 4 14 7 10 TarapUn's 204 ThrelfaU 45 Ord 9 CTOLKS.

Anial Tyre Co 5,6 6'5 H'beriCo 120 '140 British Motor 5 New S'don 30 4,0 components 1 15 '0 140 Puncture Pr'f 1,0 30 Kaleigh 2S9 313 RoBe'J'nbs 156 176 Budge W't 163 189 Do Tube 2.0 Dnlp Pneu Pref Def Deb 33:0 120 8'0 79 aimnaon to 40 82 200 30 Singer 116 126 Grapplers 176 Swift Tubes 116 126 76 86 Griffiths 20 ilUSlO HALLS, Alhambra 17 19 Prf 5 8 61 Drurv Lane 41 New Tivoli 10 4 DofiocDah 5 JEmp'e(15Spd) 4J Emp'e(lOapd) 24 Qaiety IJ G'nd Theatre lj Lon Mus 24 London Par Oxford 61- Palace 1 Bl Aoaarinin 4j Do'Pref 54 6 Sonth London 3 toavoy 4p 0 2 3pm MISCELLANEOUS, Aer Bread 123 13 1 Harr'aon 4 I 11 1 a i Ang Rus Petr Jpm H'rod's Stores 4g HotchkiasOrd Huds'ns Bay 20 Kent Collieries i Linotype Def 7 Do New Pref 5J London Pre xd Nation'! Dis 104 ApoUmaris Hi Do Pref 104 A'mstrong, Wbife and Co 3J Bell's' Asbes Bovril 180 190 Brunner.Mon Co Ord 40 2 Bryant andlf 19 30J Coats Ord 56 7 Be Pref 17 18 DoecanLand 2J 34 Pears Ord Do Pref DoDeb Raillvst Russ Petro 14 i 14 i ,128 32xd 21 2 22 3 I 54 6 IZi 13 133 7 101 Ejastzaan 3 Or 24 1 Salt union Do Prf ini SI Dr. Eng Sew Cot 4 pm Rpratf a P'fc Gordon Hotels 194 204 Suez Canal Hamscds Or I I Union Dis xd and bona3. new. MINES, LAUD, AND EXPLORATION. BKl'CISU.

11 Polberro, 10 20 West Kitty, 2g 3J Wheal G'nvilly, 1 21 Do Kitty, 20 30 uoiiuu to oo Doleoath, 113 119 East Pool, 290 300 so rn Anjelo, 4 Apex Min9, 3 4J Bantjes, Kew, ri IS Barrett, 80 90 Bonanza, 3J 4 Suffelsdoorn, -5 5iJ Comet, 2J Bultfcnt, 296 306 Con DeepLViB, 3 1 Crossus, New, A Crown Keef, 124, 4 Crown Deep, 10J 11 De Beers. 24 Drietfontein, 34 Dur-Eod'p'te. 5'6 East Rand, 3fJ fi Ferreira, 22J Geldenbuis, 5 1 Do Deep, 64, 5 Do tV Slencairn, 1 rl George Goch, ff Ginsberg, New, 2 G'd Fds Deep, 7 8 Hy Nourse, 8 aeriot, New, 74 3 JajrBrsf'tein, 6 7 Jubilee, 7 5 Jumpers, 4 Kimberley-Koode- Kleinfontein, 2Vs ft Knight, 2M 3h Langlaate, 21 31 AI-EIOAK. Langlaate Bl 44 uo Jttoyal, I Lwp'ds 1 i May Con', 2A yV MeyeriChlton.3 44 Mdrf'tein, New 3f NewBuIfontein, 1 NewPrimrose, 3 tV Nigel, lrV ts Do Deep, 1 4 Randfontein, Nourse Deep 4J 5 Pioneer, 94 104 Porges Rand, Princess, lg 4 Raadfontein 1 rV 1 Rand Mines, 27 4 Eietf'tein, 1 Eobinson 5,74 i Do Deep, 9fj R'depoort D'p, 24 Salisbury, 24 Sheba, IU a 2H 3 Spes Bona, New, Stanhope, 4 Tr'ns 3A UR'dpoorte. Hit ia Vogelstruis.

1 4 Wemmer, 8 94 Wolhuter, 54 INDIAN MIKSS. AUSTRALIAN AND A lad imn 1 i I I L'ksTVOon, 8g Do South, i Lon A Ex, i Li Asso GldW 3 Do Southern, i Bayley's U't'd 20 30 BouldrPeraev'ce, 2 1 Broten 2 A ts B'rbanksBGift, lj Cent Boulder, CbampnBeef, 4 5 Col G'fs, dU Cue No 1, 6d 16 Day Dawn, 130 140 Do 33 39 Golden Arrow. 4n fifl naain (Joaeols, Maws'n's Ee'd. 20 30 Menzies, O'Dscl, i6 Do Crusoe, Mimosa, Ifj Mt Lyell, 12 Mt Morgan, 4J Mysore, 5 4 Do tifl'da, 120 130 Do Reef, 66 76 Do West, 86 96 Do Wyn'd, 66 76 North Boulder, Nuudydroog. 3ij il Ooregum, 3p 4 Do Pref, Pad'gton Con, A rV Robinson ft TaitapuG'dEst, Hit Irne Blue, 20 30 Wentworth, 1 1 Ant Fid 4 Do J't St'k 1 5 White Fe'h'r, ft ft Waihi Gold, 4 4 G'n H'shoe, 6 woiaen J-iinKs, vt tf Gt Boulder 160 166 uo main Jtteet, lfj ft Ha'ptonPls, 74 Do Croesus, 40 50 Do Oroya, i Do Props, 130 140 Hauraki, 60 70 Ivanhoe New, 4 54 Kalgurli, 4r? ii Do North, 14 Do South, 13 Lady 20 30 African Ixplo, 13J Angio-FrExplor, Mashn Aenov.

li 11 Mozambique, 2 4 Do Pardy'a, tV New African, Ig Ooeaaa Laad, Petshetstraaet 40 E'O DBonuan nixp, -ft Baroato C'ii, 1 0 8'fsS AD, 32 KxpTs Co. 1 S-diTrin, 3j H'ad'rs'a iCst, JohaaCon Iuv, Ig Johann W'r, 1-fe Klerkgdorp, 26 30 Loa and Parie, tV -fit R'aesia, Ld, rV Da Exoler. 4 4 Styn. Estate, 1 Tati Cono'aions, H'daa, tV A Will'hby Cona, 1 4 ioamuesi JBxp, -Vnaoonda C'p, 4J CoromanHl O.Xi Burmaa K'y, ft -ft Cape Copper, 4 Oopiapo, 24 I Casual Goaf, ii MasoniBarry, 3 4 EioTinteN 0 25 6tV SJnAelEey, 170 180 BIRMINGHAM ST9CK EXCHANGE. Birmingham, Tuesday, 24a firl P.nflul.

ia0 br, 12s 6d Jointlesi, 15s 6dj Ceafcatsrs, 16s 9d Premiers, lis 9d ftapids, 7s Osmonds, 7s ics -ia Kaieigas, 14s Jd Endues, 17s Koveri, 15s SUrleya, 9s Singers, Us 6d; Shifts, 12s 6d; Triumphs, 10s Amalgamated, 14s 6d dis Drmlnn Ida ,1 ference, 13s 9d do Deferred, Qys do France, 4s lot oa; i unes, los. Birmingham, Tuesday E7ening, Bueineat very brisk and prices weaker. Cycle Components and Dunlop Deferred verv busy. The former fell Is Od, to 2Ss 9d; and the latter 3d. to 7a 6d Dunlop Ordinary Is lower, at 13i 3d, Starleys very flat, and dropped 1-16 to 8s Amalgamated, 14s 74d, dis Dunlop Preference; 13s Cd; Freuch, 4s; Rabbern, 16s; Tubeless hard, 13s Sdj Woed'ey, 13s; Components Tubes, 4s 9d 16s 3d Griffiths, 2s 5d Huraber, 12s 6d; 6d; Caetatir, lfis 9d Premiers and Siugors, lis Gd Budges.

16s 6d; Irromphs down to 9. NEW YORK MONEY MARKET. (BEOTEE'S TET.EOEAM.) New York, Tuesday. On the Stock Market to-day nnce3 declined early under sailing, including London, which nam ra some Hae past The decline, however, induced no important liquidation, and soon stopped, though the losses reached 1 to 14 points in' manv ca3es. The market then became dull, althouRh prices rallied slightly later in the day under bear covering, and closed firm above the lowest, but at net declines of a point or more for leading securities.

Government Bonds and Railroad Bonds were weak. Money steady. Steiling exchange steady. Silver bars 4 lower. St Louis Second Deferred and Lackawanna advanced g.

Erie Shares and Northern Common declined 4, Baltimore Shares. Rock Island, Cleveland Ordinary, Illinois Central, Lake Shore, New York Central, and Northern Preferred, 1 Canadian Pacific, 14: Oniflp-t. funi Denver Preferred, If; Louisville, lj Missouri Pacific, Norfolk Preferred, and Union Pacific, g. Closing Bid Prices. Stocks, This day.

Prev day. Call Money, Gv Do Other Exch Lond'60days Cable Transfers Exch Paris 60 Exch Berlin 60 US4FunL(EB) Western IT TbI ra 2 24 2 24 4 79 4 84 5 251 93U 108 2 24 2 24 4 79 4 84 5 25f 93ti 108 854 111 87 24J 16 974 461 79 91 1H 18 91 117 172 87 841 28 1051 144i 104 99 176 484. 1014. A0 26i 12 69 109 141 22 602 451 564 16 38 79 19S 61 151 56S 85g 11 86 244 15 974 464 774 911 114 18 901 1161 864 83 27 1054, 145 104 41 98 175 47 1014 10 25 IU 68 108 Mi 224 59 44g 56i 15g 37 79 19 6k 15 56 itch, Top, Santa fc'e Do New 4 Gen Mort Do Preferred Baltimore and Ohio Do 44. Canada, Southern Canadian Pacific Central New Jersey Central Pacific Chesapeake and 0 Com Chicago, Chicago Western Do Preferred Chicago, Milwaukee Chicago, Rock Cler, Cin, Ch, St Delaware and ifud Delaware, Lackawanna Denver and Rio Com Do Preferred Illinois Central Lake Shore Louisville Nashville Michigan Central Missouri Kansas Missouri Pacific Erie Railroad Shares.

Do General Liea New York Central Sew York. Ontario Northern Pacific Com Do Preferred Norfolk Preferred Pennsylvania Shares Phila Readinc Sh Do 1st Preferred Do 4 Mort Bqnda Union Pacific Wabash, St Louis Do Preferred Silver Com Bars FAIUS. Esnis Great Easticr Fair The great Easter fair'of Ennisjopeued yesterday morning in splendid weather. From an early hour the spacious fair preen v.ui cuno er.Aa horned stock, the number of stock being well up uo sue average, wicn a gooa atteuaance of buyeTs there waa.a big amount of business done, but the prices which were obtained did not compare favourably with those of the recent monthly fairs of Ennis. and contrasted with last year shewed a marked diminution, estimated bv sound judges at uily 3Qs a head in bullocks and" 1 in heifers.

The average quotations 'were Yearlings of the better kind, 85 to second class about 1 less; first class two year old bullocks went 9 to 12; and heifers, 10 to 13; three year olds Went I1T to 10s. enrmnor, mart. rlir class young cows went from 13 to 17; and dcuuu uuaury went trom .16 to mi. (j-ooa young strippers went from 9 to 12; and old and inferior sort's irbm 5 to 8. Prime beef avorasred about; 5-is fid -and mWn.

42s. 6d to 47s Sd The fair will be continued to day, when the sheep fair will be held. There waa a largo pig fair, and the prices were 47e for bacon pigs and 43i for Berwicks, DRUMCONDRA TOWNSHIP Yesterday fortnightly meeting of the Drumcondra Township Commissioners was held. Mr. Butterly, chairman, presided.

Present Col Lindsay, Eustace Conoliy, M'Ardle, Leech, Leonard, Derwiu, O'Grady, Keegan, and Dr Codd. Mr, Buckley, was also in attendance. THE OF THE ROADS. It decided that new watering carts aDd some additional horses should be bought in view of the coming dry weather. It was suggested that some of the carts should be worked by electric or other motor power.

AMENDMENT OF BYE-LAWS. The Commissioners had under consideration several amendments which tney propose to make in the building bye-laws, and for which they intend askinjr thesanction of the Local Government Board- The amendments were unanimously adopted, and the secretary was directed to insert ifiiai Tli Board shortly sfterwards adjourned, having transacted some routine business, A GOOD TEMPLAR FOUND DEAD. Birmingham, Tuesdav. A painful discovery was made at the of the Order of Good Templars this John 3 Oollipgs, who was well known in i-ne temperance world, and who edited the Templar Watchword, was found dead in the lavatory. He had apparently gone there to wash his hands last evening and had a fit and died, being locked in the building all night.

Mr CollioRS, who was fifty years of age went to Birmingham from Liverpool seven years ago, THE JEWELLERY FACTORY. The scale of prices charged at this establishment is the lowest in Ireland for gold and ilver ware, diamonds, and Waltham watches the highest class. Edmond Johnson, united, 94 Grafton 1621 DUBLIN MONEY MARKET. Tuesday Evening. Consols lowes, Bojsik Rail-vta-v viit.

TVESB iSD CtCLZS OX THE 3LC KV. Ui saark weee.qaiei this afternoon, aca prioas ware ia most cum marked down. Ctaisois kied ibe atarpde, falling 5-16, to 110 7-16; but ladia Three and a Half par Cent rose to 1123. Corporation Stocks vytre not quoted. Tha Bank Market was Fairly active.

Royal rose 1-18. to 28 11-16, but Bank of Ireland fall 1, to 389, and Pro-Tincial to 29 J. Hibernian main tained yesterday's enhanced price, And National were firm at 20. la the Market Guinness were- wek and relapsed to 57: Phcenix Preference recovered J. to and Distillers were firm and Unaltered at 23.

Steamships and Telegraphs again neglected. Home Railways continued on sale and further declined. Water-f rU and Limerick, in which sh principal dealings took place, relapsed 1, to 314, closing sellers. Dublni and VTickiowfeU t. ol; and Great Northern 1, to 175, for a lot.

Great Southern showed no rally 143. Preference and Debenture Stocks ere altogether neglected. Tramways were weak and fiat. Dublin United New (2 paid) fell to 104, and ditto Preference to 17; but at tness prices sales very limited. Land Shares were passed er.

The falls in Miscellaneous were almost general, the one exception beins; M'Birney Co. which rose to G. Coats were flat fell x-, to 57, sellers. Todd and Co Preference gave way jfs, to and M'Renzie vd sous to DockreU Ordinary cr f(. to 3, and Star Theatre of to 2Ss.

The Tyre and Cycle Market again very sreik indeed. Components fell 4s 3d. to 22s td. Dunlnp Preference were 13s to 10s 3d; do Ordinary, 14a 31 and 14s closing; do Deferred, 7s 9d and 7 Od. Griffiths down to 2 2s 9d nominal.

France, 61 to 4s noimra'. Arair.g the as yet unofficially quoted Fish Oil Shares Finished lower a- 5jfg. after realising 5-16, jaujd i. ess Telegraphs were exceiitior.ullv reaiisinij 80s, 82s 6d, and 81a. Lip-ton Ordinary were 17s Od to 18s prem, and co Preference 2s od to 3s 3d prem.

Oil of 'Jasoe were stationary at 15s. The follow is a comparison between to-day's final prices and those last previously quoted here: Government Funds, Rise India Three and a. Half per Cent to ll2f. Fail Consols HOfi. Corporation Stocks were not quoted.

Banks RiseRoyal 1-16. 28 11-16. 1 -iV. Bank of Ireland 1. to 389, and 5.

29 Unchanged Hibernian and National at 20. i5-swerie3 and Distilleries Rise Pbcenix Preference to 4 if. Fall Gninnessand Co Ordinary 1, to 57- Unchanged Distillers ulinary at 23-J. Steamships and Telegraphs were Home Railways Falls Great Northern 1. to 175: Dublin and Wieklow to 31; and Vaterford and Limerick J.

to 514. Tramways' Falls Dublin I'nitef) Nw Ordinary (2paid) to 104, and do Preference J. to 17. Lands and ilines were altogether neglected. Tyres and Cycles Fall Cycle Cotnrjoa-ennts, 4s 3d, to 22s 6cL Miscellaneous Rise M'Birney and Co, to 8.

Fall Todd and Co Preference, it. to 6J; and Coats Ordinary, to 07; DockreU and Co Ordinary, to 5Kenzie and Sons, to 44; and Star Theatre of Varieties, os. to 2Ss. Traffics Home Railways Increases Cork and Passage, 2a; Cork and Macroom, Curk and Muakerry. 29; Waterford and Central Ireland, $147: Waterford and Li3tnoTe, 81.

Decreases Cork and Ban-don, 61; and West 38. "he following are the cranial quotations GOVERNMENT FSNSiS, J. jut Piie Cash Acor. 8f oc Ton Stk 1903 llt llCi- 'dia 1931 31f 112 Account day-5th May, 1898. Dividend Lait Stuia a Ceea PrT Lae Pro Cah Acct it Ireland alla'allo 590 339 Hiberniaa a2 a2-6 6J Ncienal a9.

20 20 20 Provincial 6 29J 29i Eoyal 28 Z8i'i BBSWEB1ES AND AUsopp Ord b) 7 ex new Distillers Ltd 17; 8 i3g 23f nimnes a24 al4 57 Phcenix opc 3 4g EAILWAT OEDIHAjnr STOCKS. TV 4 Oid 15' a 31 Qt Northem 62 6 52 6 31 Cob 40 676 5 45 176 175 143J 114 on 18th 5 51 EAILWAY GCARANTBED STOCXS. 6t 40; 40 K0 140 TRAMWAYS. PneTT Ord (17151-51450) lOj 10J TTnitwl Prof 6 6: 418 -rl72 PSEUMATIC TYKS AND 3YCLE SHARES. tJliit COB A 226 a2 3 M'Birnev Co ad; 6 HI 57i Switzer Ord a4 a6' Todd Barns Pref 3 3 Cat Ord 20 0 DockreU Oid a2 al Heiton Pref 2 6 2 6 M'Kenzie ab 4,6 1 57-H 3tV 4A 310 51 44 Star Theatre 1,3 Km stamp ttusy.

Stock iMuert during jnrreat half-year the Xnt dividead es whick is payaele direcs to Silotte. EzceptieEal amount at special prioe. One aenta's dividend. The Stock Exchange will be clti4 Saturday. of Innemetaz; (b) Yearly, (i) Twe yean' dividead Qaarteriy.

to Midland Great TTetitrx Railway Ce. a Leased Uf aad R. i Stock israed dcriaj carreKt self-year, Dta first iiTidd oa whick is payle direct to alletsee Twe half year's dividends. Name days, 28th April and lltl May, 1598. Acosnat days, 29th April and, 12th May J898.

WEEKLY TRAFFIC BEfTJESS accueo traffic Kama. 1 Week J898 J8S7 7 Gt? Sth i Til Great lortfara Mid GtTVeatern 16230 15657 15 19161 212834 17363 14897 15 14877 202235 1229S 9S47 15 142724 135801 nH 5152 4364 15 36211 6oS93 W'ford, Lim. Western, etc 5973 Cerk Baa dan St Sth Cocwt 1429 Vat'ford, Dnn- garyan, etc '370 VTaterford and Central Ireland 896 Dub UaH'd Tram 333S 5635 1499 289 15 749 2640 4548 4178 JJuo and Bless-ioton Tram 173 129 15 1402 150 25248 1282 116 23311 Blessington and Poulaphouca 3" Gl Tramway 3010 cand Cawi 1656 15 15 2656 1782 15 jJTEDICINE AESAPARILLA In the whiter we have been housed up in pcovly ventila.tctt officer, homes ami shops, our blood his beeomn ihin impure, and is unequal to the demands of tlic body. Nature imperatively cries for help Where If it to be found enough, in a good Spring Medicine, like HOOD'S Ssapaeilla the great blood purifier. This preparation has proved in many years of test, tbat it supplies tho demand as nothing else can.

Ho easy to take and so readily assimilated, the purifying, vitalising and enriching elements Hood's Sarsaparilla combined from Nature's own storehouse of vegetable remedies for liuman ills pass into the stomach, rind afe then silently but. certainly taken up by the blood and sent to every organ and tissue of tlie body. Xue effect is often magical. The weakness is soon-driven off, tliat tired feeling disappears, the nerves are built up, the stomach, resiunei its taks. You undoubtedly need a good Spring Medicine.

Take Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood OOD'S AESAPARILLA Is Great Britain's Greatest Medicine. All enemists, or by post of C. I. Hood it Co, 1.1,1 1 r. rt w7 Lim, xjyuuun, Iy.

3 ana ou. T-TOOTVQ PILLS are gentle, do not rj j. pain or gripe. Is lid. (10) 14719 2 4d choice large voune fowl.

2s 9d to 3s best chickens, 2s 4d to 2a 6d others, 3s 4d to Is 9d co*ck turkeys, 6s to Hs seconds, 4s to 5s best hen turkevs. 4a nf.i,r t- crammed fowl, 3 to 4s each sto'ro ducks, Is dead fat, 2s 6d Guinea fowl, 2s 3d each rabbits, xuu uo iu eacn. DUBLIN (W O.ANB, APRIL 19 Suunii i.nnli.T, n- mand good, choice table stuff' msfkmg satisfactory fieures. Murkftft ml- Crammed fowl 3s to 4s and 4s 6i each orim heavy young fowl, 2s 9d to 3s 3d each; average top chickens. It 4d to 2s Sd to 2s 4d each others, Is 6d to Is lOd each barndoors.

2s to 2s 6,1 oah 1, Ana 1 a frv each: choice ducklinr.s fla i o'ol A 2s 4d to 2s 6d; fat dead ducks, Is 6d to2i; Is 6d to 2s each; co*ck 5s to 8i; hens, 4s 6d. 5. and 6s lnf.rinr Oa ra 1' 6d and 4s each; Guinea fowl, 2s 3d and 2s 6d each; young old and wild, Ad; rabbits, J1U i OHVIi, "PHnnnv v. LONDON April J9 Sugar Home refioed in fair demand and unchanged; foreign cubes and French granulated nominal: German granulated quiet at opening rates, and unaltered. Beet steady; August, 9s Aid paid.

Cano Sale. offered iOO tons; partly sold nt steady rates. Coffce-Saies very heavy; good qualities steady; futures, December done at 2Ss 6id. Tea Ceylou sales generally unchanged. Rice fi-m; little ottered.

Jute 2 od dearer. Manila hemp Srm iair currenD, saner, iv 10s isiiiglas. sales dearer. LONDON April 13 refined steady with paid. Shellac and Sugar British demand.

Foreign granulated tiroi with a fair demand; 'ready sold at 10s 9d fob Hamburg; cut loaf, izs JU seller; and crushed ii 42'j, iuu Amsterdam. Lebaudy's grauu- .0., punpi, at izj ijd.tob t'aris. Uane sorts, of 7,126 bags at auction half sold etesdiiv; tniddhns fine bold bright tarrain, yellow, 12s 14a to los od. lieetroot verv quiet ai'd to Jd ad vance; May sold at 9s Cd; August, 9s 41d to 9. Coffoe at auction 530 m.f fU mand and nearly all snM ot prices.

Futures quiet and 3d loner; September soia at 29s 3d to 29s. 2 30 call April-May, 28s 3d 28s 6d September, 29s 3d: December, 29s 9d; March 30s 3d. Cocoa at auction Of 6,295 bass offered only 540 sold without material change in prices. Tea at auction, 29,000 package Ceylon met with active competition for Sne quality at full wu prices unma, AprU-June, 4d; Inoian type No 1, 7d; type No 2, 6d. Eice very 6rrn and sparingly offered.

Spices Pepper firm biack Singapore, February-April, sold at 44d. Cloves very dull June-August delivery 4d sellers. bheUac at auction, 719 cases met with a fair aernand ana 140 sold at la to 2s advance, ols 6d to 62s. Hemp very firm 7 000 halno and ieb-April saileis sold at 19 7e 6d. Jute firm and dearer first marks, April-May iiteamer, London, held for 0 5s.

SeedsLinseed advancing Calcutta spot 35s 6d buyers. Rape firm. Browu April-May, 35s 3d. Cotton'firm spot, 5 3s Poppy firm. Oils Linseed firmer soot 15s 74d to 16s 44d-rspefirm.

Emslish brown, spot, 21s 10id; reSued, ravuson, 18s; cotton firm; crude, spot, los 3d; refined, 14s 6d to 15s 3d. Turpentine dearer; American, 23s 9d. Petroleum ouiet; 5a "ussian, 44d. laUow quiet ar.d unchanged. Iadii kinds remain steady.

HVERPOOL-ApaiL 19-Sugar quiet and unchanged. Bacon firm; Cumberland, 32s to 3o. Butter-Fancy, 93s to 190s Lard-Tierces, 27s 6d to 28; pails, 29s to 29s Sd. Cheese firm af o9s to 41s. Retin steady and unchanged.

Hemp Wl0s f' Vot. Nitrate. 7. 3d jta- laUow firm; south, 23s 6L Oils Palm Lagos. a20 10s; castor firmer, Calcutta, 3Jd to Stf Petro.etjm quiet and unchanged turpentine lirmer atas to 25s 3d; cottonseed firm at 15s 6d to 16t; linseed firm 17s to 17s 9d LIVERPOOL April 19-(Special Report) Cane sugar continues steady, but only a quiet business passes at late rates.

Yesterday's import, 189 tout. Messrs Tato's quotations Crystals, No I standard, 12s 61; coarse, 13s fine, 13s Ud. Beet quiet but steady. April, 7s ifay, 9. JT' 9id 3id August and Uctober-NoTember-December, 9 4J3 V.

Coffee-Bold berry remaiis neglected. and nominal valua to arrive in transit is 25s 6d. Cocoa inactive. Rice Spot continues in fair reauest at full prices, but shipments are inactive. 'Yesterday's cutta baS' Sgooa and Cal- Sago flour steady at 7s 6d to 7s 9d per cwt lapioca floui quiet at steady prices.

Yesterday's import, 58 bags. FlaxTurkish on spot quoted at 21 to 21 Ivs per ton. Cotton firm at 5 5s tier f.iv.n.. arrive. Yesterday's imnmt.

1 tut v.r5 CanarVEeed dull, fair to 2Ss per 464 lbs. Lmseed is firm, nnrl ce 800 bags, fair feeding jRirer Plate made 34s. May yesterday import, 2,045 baes. River Plt Calcutta. Cottonseed 1,, I hi' .40 baas damaged cotton cake sold j.v.

auction. BoxiQt 299 bau-s Ri VUt auct.on ato 17s 5d. aud 284 sheep's hoofs at 10 Castor oil to am bo. "iui uctie onerme 'rmwl; spot French is and offer, atu 0-o; Calcutta quoted at 3 3-16d to per lb; yesterday's imports 543 barrels, French raitn oil steadv. about 200 tons sold, iVcuiain7LgT Fol Bonny, 19 2s 6d, and lard oils 18 10s all transit; yesterday's import, 788 casks.

uuve ou easier fine clear Spanish, April-May shlouient. at 10 oo ii f' demMia: jestet- Linseed and cotton oik AUStluau, rennea od to Russian Aid. and Am.r. a gallon. "ta pei Eosin firm at 4s fid 1 7a men to fine.

1 lOT C(ira- Turpentine steady; spct 25s per cwt. PROVISIONS LlVER.PilrsT.ATT 1f iopbcialkeporti undiminis ed .3 onlymaintam'ed; buV occalonanroi mere mnnm ..1.1 t- P5' cwl' viCtuauu aemand 01 uusmess transpires. Shoulder, firmly held, New York, bring- gPRING-IJOOD-S 6 t. -r, vu ai.touicr wiiiiaL, souarcs mum-tamed late currencies. Hams firm with a fair inquiry, long cuts quoted 3d advance, and short cuts incline in seller favour.

Lar.i ou spot without change, prime Western in slow demand, but American refined nireis with a fair inouirv. cheese 111 strons rwuest and former Quotations fully maintained. Butter in moderate demand but with iarga lies, prices are lower ai rouna. isggs are a quiet sale at about recent quotations. Beef pork ia fair reauest at unchanged rates.

IMPORTS OK PEOVISION-S. tl ester. This This Last day. Week Year. Year Bacon Beef Butter Cheese 5,823 203,705 188,780 10 60 10,278 6,529 50 1,674 39,805 64,81 1,548 3.79S 205,800 200,139 Hams Poik Lard 2.213J 2,602 72,651 53.811 280 555 19,782 14,194 Oli) 433 15.705 10 544 CURRENT PEICES.

Pork, per 200ibs Prime mew, 50a Od to 56s 3d Bacon, per 112 lbs-Waterford, 60s to 66s Uoutmental, t(Js to 54s Canadian sinited sides, 40s Od to 45s Od; Irish rolls, 62s to 65s; -n-uiBrjcau iong ciear, oi uu to Sitt Od short ciear, 29s 6d to 30s; short rib, 32 Od to 33s Od; Cumber Und cut, 32s Od to 36s Od; Staffordshire 32s Od to 34i 0d clear bellies, 33s Od to 38 6d-short clear back3, 30s 6d to 32s Od. Hams per 1121bs In salt Long cut, 35s 6d to 42s Od; short cut. 36s Od to 40s 6d- shoulders 26j Od to 29s Od. Betf, per 3401bs India mess, ex, 70s to 77s Sd. Cheese, per 112ibs Finest States and Canadian, old, nil; do new, 38s to 41s.

Lard, per 1121bs Prime Western, 27s 6d to 28s Od American pails, 29s 0d to 29a 6d do firkins, 28s Od to 28s6d. Butter, per 1121bs Irish Creameries, 90s to 95s. Danish-Choice, 94s te 110s. States and Canadian Creameries, 75s to 95s; finest Australian, 90s to 93s Argentine, 90s Od to 93s; Irish factories, 88s to 90s. Margarine, per 1121bs Medium to flnest, 47s to 60s.

per 120-Irish hen, 5s 6d to 5s 93; duck, is 9d SUGAR. CLYDE CRUSHED Anrr tq w- port Better demand; largre business done at firm prices. Private Rnnrt Tmrj business done at steady prices. TRADE. MANCHESTER A prr.

ior.t strong tone. Futures 4 a point down. Yarns are at yesterday's advance. tnH mmn. sist on ttieir price.

Cloth is quiet. The offers trom the find it diffini yarn, and buyers for the smaller to give the desired advance. VEGETABLES. DUBLIN large supplies of roots, on market this moru-ing. well sustained, and everything sold nr in p-Afirl IIm.

fi r. -r- cuici i Bates were kale, Is 2d to Is 10d per doz; broccoli, 2s to 4s and 6s per flasket; York 4s to 10s and lis per load celery, Sd to 8d per bundle; psrsley, Is 2d to ls6d per bag; scatlions, 9d to lid per bundle; carrots, 5d to 7d per dczen to 4s 6d and 5s per doznt thvme, 4d to Sd bunch. Other commodities average figures. NEW YORK PRODUCE MARKET. (SPKCIAL TELEGRAM.) New York, Tuesdsr.

heat Cables of higher European markets and Washington news gave the market a strong start, with July lfc up. Sbortlv after a ouick sharp reaction followed, which, by noon. 'had carried July back to 924. Early in the afternoon hesitation on the jrart of operators was the principal feature owing to the puzriinw political situation. The continued lare export business, however, induced a rally to 93 for July, but later in the day trading consisted mostly of scalping transactions.

The close was firm at a rise of ife to lic.the greatest improvement being the distant montbs under ho influence of foreign buying. Sales 4.700.000 bushels export trading amounted to 85 boatload. On the kerb prices advanced 1c. No 1 Northern is gc up at 117J. Cash May July Sept Dp-To-day 1104 107 92 85 8i Prev day 109 107 91J 832 According to Bradstreefe the quantity light east of the Rockies is 39.041.000 bushels against 40,577,000 last week, and 52,959 003 a year ago.

St Louis, Tuosday Wheat steady at to 1c advance. May, 1024; July, J25. Duluth, Tuesday-Wheat steady at gc to 4c advance. May, 104; July. 99g.

Toledo, Tuesday Wheat "steady at In rA. vance. litlay, 102t. San Fram-isco. 'Piioibott -hum, muJ, asn is unaltered at 1574, and December Quoted at 158.

No 1 standard brewing barley is firm at 1474, to 150. Maizk opened steidv 3a nn European cable advices, and has varied but vne uay, cwnug arm at the open-ms advance- There was an irtiw mn export amounting to 180 boatloads. Sales isou.wu tmsaois. Cash May July To-day 37 364 37 Previous day 35J 37 BradStreets srives thn east ot the Rockies as 78,000 bushel-against 49,581,000 in the previous week, and o0.576,000 last year. Flour has atyain t-i active inquiry, and closes firm at unchanged To-day sacks 400 sacks 5 65 sacks 4 90 Pr day 4- 00 5- 65 4-90 Spring Wheat "Clears" vt inter "Patents Min Snr Wh for a Sd Wh BakerE fnr ot sacks 3.90 3-90 JJAlbX URAIN MOVEMENTS (Thousands) iu- cams amis xuis Last day day week season season 7at Wheat (bushels-, rtecpt West 313 294 Do Atlant 224 24 Exchanp-a 9QS 716 187,822 135,944 645 54,833 51,463 60S 56.893 29,036 Maize (bushels) rtecot West dsn oat 955 177.559 12,672 Do At.lanf.

1 Tin 7a; 0 Exehancm "ton Qd9 'atr. 77,605 80.154 86,881 68,996 Flour (barrels) bhipts West 75 54 143 Rcpt Atlant 54 30 84 Exut AtTanf. 91 to as. 6,994 10,924 5,476 9,776 6,091 Lit 1 UATS elnaA etoaHT- 1 7,127 gu cKivsnue; iiay jus. lne ro lowino, am t.l, mck r.

wi uuuwiViyUB 101 i leeiung 00. Bradsireet's" patim.c 1 viuaiiticy or oats in s.ght east of the Rockies at 15 821 noo ino'flT 1 a eet ago, and last year. iiR? JU164 Stedy; VTOmb Wil001 is na-5v5 wtern steam tpot 2ic Coffei after a steady opening at 5 points decline, remained fairly steady with a moaerate business, which centred in dear nosi-s-ions. Brazilian advices were bullish, but receipts fell and Continental cables colourless, the close was steady, with current month 5 points dearer, but other positions mostly 5 points Sales, 14,000 bags. Tn.rti Casn April May June July Aug Sept Oct 5 90 5-80 560 5'60 565 565 5 70 Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar 570 575 580 5 85 585 PREVIOUS DAY.

April May June Juiy Aug Sept Oct 5 85 580 5 65 565 565 570 5 75 Cash 61 Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar 575 570 585 590 5-90 Cottok on tne snot ruled steady at yesterday decline. F-tures opened steadv'5 to 6 points higher oa firm Livernool cablesand de-maud to cover contracts gave way on realisations, but improved on buying for export and the south, and closed very steadv with a net gain of 6 to 7 points. Sales, 123, 500, THIS DAY. tAl1 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 09 612 615 618 619 618 618 618 620 6 23 Jan Feb Mar PBSTIOUS OAT. T-0t rSl Jun6 Jul AuS SsP Oct Nor Dee 6 6 03 605 608 611 613 611 611 612 614 Jan Feb Mar 616 o.

I t.Z I eason Lt Season 093.000 6.365.000 vuj. c5i craswi ui season tirt Britain fi nnn lannn 5nm nrmr. Continent 9. nrtn unm xvnnnr, at a jas 7 of J1" A lMO oaitio co-aay tne mareet for csrgoes of wheat ruled very strong iu ill positions, but owing to extreme reticence of sellers business is more than difficult, as on be-uig approached by buyers tbey withdraw. Fr the Srrived Walla biokers hnve no iuatructions; 40 9d said to be obtainable, and for early January, Walla, 40s net, and not cash, refused; now held 41B.

Maize 6d dearer; 17s 6d paid, steamer, April-May, mixed American, northern ports. Barley dearer. i.e. ioj i port, week ending 18th April Wheat, 405,743 sentals; barley, 6,232 ceotals; oats, 10,934 Dene, 8,014 centals, peas, 18,457 cen-tals; maize, 624,086 centals; flour 137,591 centals, ina marV.h i t. holders require enhanced rates for all positions.

uju per cental. lour arm. RkpoutI a rmnA i concluded in spot wheat at Id to 2d advance aa compared with Friday. Hard Kansas, 8s Id to 8 2d per cental; Californian, 8s 2d to 8s 3d per mumi. ui2i mec auir demand, closing firm wu3u iw prima mixed.

Flour, 1 per sack dearer, the adranna r.hAtmn pea, and other articles show a better tendency, with, modertttft inmifrv L1VERIOOL-(Sbcial Rtobt)-Ap8IL 19 maraec na ruled strong and active consequence of war news combined with a continued inquiry. A large business on spot and for future delivery has been transacted at enhanced rates, though the market for the latter closes barely at the best. Spot parcels were strong, and a large business wa done at 1 to 2 per cental advance on last Friday rates. Bed American futures commenced id per csntal lower to id dearer, bajoiaing strong anil active soon afterwards on war news. About middav values eased in consequence of realisations, but in the afternoon the large spot trade caused renewed buvinu.

second cad registered a rise of -Jd to IJd per cental. lowards the end the market became auieter owinp to i.t 1 quiet but steady at fd to ld percental advance. Sales 750,000 centals, comprising May, 7 9id to 7s lid: nij t. oi.i. Se.6? 6 HP Dec, 6i to 6s umciai ciosmir values (4 15 m) Red American wheat per lOOlbs Deliveries May.

Juiy. gept. Dec. This day 7 9d 6 lld 6s 9Jd' 7s lOd 7. a a msj oj shlPmBts in good requeit and to

ii xiiAs xvjuracnt aaoat at fa I id, and choice in same position at 7s IOd; also white Delhi, April-May, 7s 7d. Cargoes formally held for uU prices, but owing vw-6i ajtuoa cover. Elite Karnohi iTr onsmess is rstarctea. Maiza Holders ovu lvcio oi american mixed were firm, and raised quotations Jd per cental over hurt market day, and a fair business was done. uronn Km a ncan mixed option started Id to 4d per cental wjwiimny wito wiieat went higher Qurmpr tb mornftm i 7 values ieu away a little oa realisations, but recovered in the afternoon, and second call quotations were fd to uiguer.

uables were not quite satisfactory, and the market weakened snd qUi5 8t to Pel 09(1 Sain on the day. balsa, 350,000 centals, comprising ApriL 3s6id; May, 3s 5ld to 3s 64d; July, 3s 6Jd to 3s ii; September, 3 63d to 3s 72d. timing vatues, lo American mixed maize per 100 lbs. Deliveries April May June July' Sept To-day 3s 6id 3a 6Jd nil 3s 6d 3s 73d Prev day 3a 5gd 3s54d nil 3s 61 3s 7jd Cargoes firm and deai-er; 17s 6d paid for Amen am mixed. M.ay sbipmant.

Flour was in good demand at full pi-lees for foreign, while, English mado was advanced 6d. Beani quiet, and the turn lower. Peas firm, and dearer-Barley scarce; grinding difficult to find. Oats English in better demand at full price' Foreign, fair sale at 3d to Id per cental dearer! Oatmeal has a fair trade at late prices. HULL April 19 English wheat in supply at an increase of 2s per qr on the week making S6s to 40s.

Foreign held for saoie d' vance at 33s to 41s. Barley 6d to Is deare-malting, 2Ss to 32j; giinding, 20s to per qr Oats dearer, making 19j to 21.. Beans advanced selling at 21s. Maizs-Round, 2s advance; flat 6d to 9d, quoted 17s to 20s. LEEDS-Apbii, 19 Although there is by no means aa active demand for wheat sellers refuse uo oustseit except at an advance of from 2s 6d to 2s cer Quarter.

TV5ai7 1 iiu iuuuu corn Zs higher. Beius and oats dearer, the former per quarter ana tne latter bd. Flour unchanged. HAY AND STEAW. DUBLIN (Smithfisld; April 19 There was a smaller market of hay forward here this moraine.

Trade showed little change from last week; best horse qualities clearing Bteadily at quotations, but other uvujv uav VilUl- Cult to move. Straw i I 'y UUc experienced a slow, dragging sale, with disannoi rsr ns. vfuwui vwua averagsd Cnoice horse hay, 3s4d to 3s 8d fair uo o. rw aesc oia meadow qualities. 2s 8d to fair do.

2s to 9a fid cj I.UU to 2S 61 tier cwt wheaten straw 1 AA I. per cwr; oaten straw, Is to Is 8d per cwt; uai i.r, is ou, ana is iu per cwt, DUBLIN SMITHPIItr.Tll IlBonTHno T3.m,,r,. xax O'Connor isd Son, Factors. 4c. etreat, Oubliu April 19.

159S-A sroali inairket; Good qualities in request other sorts hard to i M1UCIV lAlKlLSbftlUCII. place, rnme torse bay. 33 4d to 3s IOd nr Cwt: otiier sorts dn 9a md 5a IA i- prime old meadow hay, 2s 61 to 3j medium na it urior, is oa to as 4d per cwt. SStraw, Is 2d 13 iu cwt. 15645 LON DOmi WHITKCHATltT.I A it.

1 rate supplies, but demand quiet, and trade null. yuotationsBest clover, 70e to 97e per load; inferior do, 60s to 70s; best hay, oos sos; mrenor do, 4bs to 60a; mixture and samiom, ous to sua. Straw, 29a to 36s per load LBATHKE, flwnAV ft UVU.WUUt leather darine Dast tveuk has Iipht, uut iy cnange rate in values. ilnglish imiis are more reques; than the heavier averao-R. "Ttfartot.

Iii.l.. Tn fn 1 hides again this week, with a large proportion South American classes. The market remains quiet, without alteration in prices. Pl IRON. GLASGOW fflWKKlKnIAoBTr.

VUU.I( quiet; moderate buaiuess at 46s 2d cah; 45 4Jd monr.ii; ouyers, tos ija caan; 40s 4d oae month: sellers 4ri 40s cash; 40s 24d one month; sellers 4d more. vuiuriMia quiet; small oustness at 43e 7d and 49s 6Jd caah; buyer, 49s 6d cash; 49s 9d' ane month; sellers Id aore. Middlesbro' idle; buyers viuju; seners, is oacasn. (SucoNDRipoRTj-Scotch steady; small business at 46s 2d and iGa "Url i-ah- dF. ai.a 46s 4d one month; buyers, 46s Id' cash; 463 34d luuuiu seners ia more, idle-buyers.

40s. ca-sh, aCla Olrt -Vi. more. Cumberland steady; small business at 49s 64d cash; buyers, 49s 64d cash 49 94d one month; sellers id more. Widdlesbro' idle un- cnangea.

POTATOES. DUBLIN WKnT.lTHlT.Kl lDTT.10W..l.t, 1 J- U. Wii VI Ireland dealers are asking more money for potatoes this week, but with a particularly flat sale consumption he response is weak. The Union requirements have now benn mrtl UM results have been disappointing to holders v.tu. uutui, Eiiiri'nflca nfcr.

r. rr Northern A in- low DON (Borough and Spitalpieldb) Apr-l supplies but trado Quotations 120a to 130s pW ton magnums, 105s to 110s per ton; hebrons. 1003 to 110 per ton-snowdrops, 90s to 100s per ton; regents, 90s to' 95s per ton; new Mita kidneys, l2sper cwt, POULTRY. ,0 DUBLIN (Corporation Food, April 18 Very narrow suoDlies offerino. fid-Pal goods readily realised, Baradoor fowl, 2s to at MAZAWATTEE Is THE STANDARD BRANO FOE FIN'E QCAUTY, DELICACY OP FLAV0U1I, AXD ECONOMY IN U.SE.

Sold in Sealed Packets and Tins only, by ALEX. FIND LATER 29, 30 akb 31 UPPER SACKVILLE STREET, DUBLIN, AND BRANCHES, Sole Agents for the City aud County of Dublin. 14831 Freights for liners continue steady, with room on the berth light; outsiders are" active, with a good supply of tonnage available. 10-aay. frev Liay.

Grain to Liverpool London Glasgow Bristol Hull Newcastle Leith Coast 041 Jjd. 4d 4d 3d(May)3fd (May) 4d 4d 4d 44d 5d 4s 4d 44d 5d 3 I04d Petroleum to or Coni Is I0idto2s 3d Cotton to L'pool 7-64d 7-64d Pitrolium: Refined was in fair request a5 late rates. EeSued 70 per cent York 5'70 5 70 jfiiuadeiphia 56a 565 Cases fi-T Credit balancos at Oil City ciosea steaay as 75 Cotton Oil is steady at wnr. nnr, Crude, 194c; yellow, 224c 'Fpbpentinb 6teady and ia nn af. nah.

Tuesday TiirrnTia -a 1- higher at Wilmington, Tueedav L.iin awx uearer ac iiBC. osis iumougn steady dropped 5c to 105. Sugar has been in mnriar.t Unt, closes steady at previous quotations. uinsuovauo 34 Raw Centrifusral 4 1-15 4 i.fg Refined Granulated 4 29-32 4 29-32 Tallow remains steady and Prima City ua changed at 34c. Sales, 80,003.

Copper is steady in tone and demand. Spot. 12c to 12ic Tin-keeps steady with an average business-passing, Straits, 1440. Pig Iron- ruled steady with a moderate ia quiry. Northern No 2, 25s.

Steel Rails are still quoted at 184c CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKET (SPECIAL TELEGRAM.) Chicago, Tuesday. wheat, witn strong cable news and the was growing, the market opened firm, and ini tial dealings in July showed a rise of lc be fore noon, forcing a reaction. Later th upward movement was resumed on beans covering on the continued large export demand, and the close was steady, wiih May 4c, and other months to 1c dearer. The market has been nervous throughout, and frf-quent fluctuations without any particular reason except tue various views taken of war-prospects. April May July Sept Dec ro-aay 103J 87g 7 79i Prev dAy 109' 85 79 79 -Maize opened lc higher, ana fluctuated moderately during the day, but close! firm at i to fc improvement.

The market derivedT Ktrength frsm the large erport business and trom reports that country holders were lookinf upon war as a certainty, and on that account vrere withholding supplies. April Slav July Sept To-day Prev day Oats are Srm and Jo 31i 31i 321 334 30? 31 32j 33i dearer May 255 264 July 23i To-day Pi-evday Ere is firm and up. May 54i July To-day Prev dav ijur oof lard commenced 5e higher and has showa but little variation during the dayowino- to thm absence of any special feature. The cloae was dull out steady at a rise of 24c. The demand itjr casa continues April May July Sept To-day 515 5-174 525 5-324 Prev day 515 5-174 5'25 5-324 Ribs only vsned slightly einco openiu, and wiuh packers

closed dull but steady at rates unchanged to 2j up. April May July Sept To-day 0-l5 515 5-25 5324 Prev 515 5-15 5224. 530 Pork opened at an advance of 10c ami snowed further improvement durine early deal, ings. but the market eventually broke on leaa disposition to buy, and finished dull but stead quotations 24c to 74c up April May JuIt. ro-aay 980 9-80" 9-974 Prev day 975 977 990 Bacon continues steady and unchanged.

Hogs are unaltered value. The hog receinta here ana at the principal Western centres sine March 1 total 2,359,000, against year ago. Sh.n. HogEeceipts. Sides, Light Heayy' W'm ouiBo.

nogs. nogs. To-day 5-5Q 3-70 380 Prey day 5 50 370 380 Cities 57,000 Chic. 37.009 19,003 4-874 405 3-95 60,000 FUNERAL OF MR JOSEPH M'DESMOTT, Yesterday the remains of Mr Josenh porting staff, were removed from 33 Xaviw avenue, North Strand, for intermsnt in quJ. nevm Cemetery.

The funeral was very largely attended. A ml-Wreath "fS "nt asmarkofrei' spect for his memory by the staffs of the Iris Daily Independent the Evening Herald, ani the "f'J Independent. The last pravers were re at the grave by the Ref Father Bv wer Toe M'Der- Darm" br0theri ju. Llei mott. nephew.

Am0Bgst those who attended the funeral wen -Messrs John Pluakett, Chairman Bray CoT SeTo? -TcwTcilkfdoTi fn National SchoolsKings; town; 0 Byrne, Brty WT Merrigan, YV Byrne 7 tS S1a rn x'Jri-e, fiGj Samuel Smith. luen cfcf tL Bry; Th hot Bui-ler. do Hvne, AwSfT Carey, Henry O'Connor? rJn, HaU' JtaS DUtrift 7l Dubl-ri iJistrict Institute of Journaliats Jam Mtetto.V-h Dali' ie, editor Evening Herald." A Mao-nmg ecitor Weekly Wm wart, cnief portr Indendeut," Fred AU TSM- fi FrBt SbeTloct-' Byrne I T' Edw rl V- 0 Leary Curtis, Furltn-S Eobinson, John A MNerney v' WstowniJ FuUerton. Or hgan, A O'Byrae, O'Duffv RP pi Smyth, Ran, Brsy J' -P FSx Messrs O'Neill aod Co, North 3trW had charge of the funeral arraugett.nt. The rlckm-rac.

UK fit TWO A- AO SbeppardrPrcorof PsSffi J-' Aj UiviETrDn ra Dr Bdgaj l-'i 7 -AA Drde Joosb's Ih extenkvesj pleuA in iStl. dbw wni -preparation to be met wiaTrTiW. wTer rare excellence the rare exeeUen(e oottntry. lated by stomutfi? hicii e'f bome and tisaiai, Sold oaly in canaU! omry Oils. lateu by sio is3d: Onarfs o.

'Vt --T i-u 2s6d: -pint--u "eansts. nsri Hai-forn ai central J-reterence and iorth Eastern' each 1 Midland Deferred, Korth British Deferred, and South Eastern each others, to In the Foreign Market' Lm-opeans experienced -a dull urns through-out. Spanish B-jnds have fallen to under 38, about half the quotation which prevailed at the end of last year. Greek Issues fell i to 1 others, J. Mexicans lost 2A on fears that tne country will be drawn "into the trouble.

ar is considered inevitable, but the business all round was almost at a standstill and dealings difficult to effect. The American descriptions were also distinctly lower, and the doline therein rauged from i'l, while the last prices for American Kails were not always worst, yet apnre-ciable falls were established. Louisville'fell ij; Milwaukee, Denver Erie Preference, each York Centra! li; North Pacific Preference, l.t Union Paoitic, li in Canadian Rhus, Trunks fell from in the Ordinary 1 Second Preference, and Oanadi.m Pacihcs lost 1. In the Miscellaneous market, "Welsbachs Issues. Allsopps Brewery Debentures, Cycle Shares, Coats.

Hudson's Bays, and Suez Canals all receded; while Kryant and May and Russian Petroleums improved. The special settlement for tlie Veisbach and English SewinK Cotton Shares has been fixed. In Government Funds, Local Loan, rose and Metropolitan Board of Works Three per Cent, hut Consols for money fell and India Three and a-Half per Cent," A- In Home Rails, Brighton "A "'fell Caledonian Deferred, Cbathaci Preference, Great Central Prefsrence, Great Eastern, Great Northern Deferred, Great "VVestern, Hull and Barnsley, Lancashire and Yorkshire, Sorth Western, Metropolitan, Midland Deferred, Xi.rth British Preference, Deferred, North Laatern, lj and South Eastern In Foreign Raiis, Buenos Ayres and Ro-sario fell 1-S; do Great Southern, Central Argentine, Mexican Ordinary, and Eastern Uruguay Preference, 5. In Canadian Rails, Canadian Pacific fell 1 Trunks Ordinary, First Preference, Second do, Third do, and Guaran teed, In Indian Raiis, Bombay and Baroda vss 1. In Foreign Stocks, Argentine Three and a-Half per Cent rose arid Hungarian Four per Cent, i but Argentine '80 fell 1 do Six per Cent Funding, li; Cedillas J.

-i; Gold, Brazilian do '95, BuenoB Ayr3 JSC, Water, Li; Chilian '36, Scrip '96 Chinese New. Egyptian Unified, Xew Daira, .4 french Three and a-Halt per Cent, do Three per Cent, German Three per Cent, Greek '84, 1 Monopoly, Four "per Cent '89, Italian Five per Cent, 5-16 Mexican New Six per 'Cent, 2 Portuguese Three per Cent, Russian Four per Cent, Spanish Four per Cent, Turks Group III, do IV, 5 and Uruguay Three and a-Half per Cent, In American Rails. Ml 1 per Cent Preference, Central Pauitic, Milwankee Ordinary, lj; Denver Ordinary, Preference, Erie Ordinary, Preference, Illinois, Mexican Central, Missouri Kansas, New York Central, Ontario, Norfolk and Westera Common, 2Tew North Pacific Preference, li; Pennsylvania, Reading Ordinary, Southern Ordinary, Preference, Union Pacific, lj; Wabash Preference, and General Mortgage, i. In Banks, Australasia fell Imperial Ottoman, and Parr's Bank. In Telegraphs, Anslo-American Deferred fell i.

In Gas, Gaalieht and co*ke Ordinarv fell Metropolitan Ordinary, Welsbech, do Preferred, and do Deferred, 2s. In Breweries, Allsopp Debenture fell 2, and Denver Preferred, In Tyroj, Humber Ordinary rose 6d: but Components fell Dunlop Is; Preference, Is Cd Debenture, and "Griffiths, 6d. In Theatres, Aihambra fell li, and New Tivoli, J. In Miscellaneous, Bryant and May rose and Russian Petroieam, but Aoollinaris Ordinary fell a Coats Ordinary, I3; do Preference, Hudson's Bay, Linotype New Deferred, Saez CJanaL 1. Price of bar silver, 25fd ptr oz; 25Jd per oz two months forward.

Closing Exchanges to-day Bombay, Is 4 l-32d; Calcutta, is 4 l-32d Hong Kong, Is 10sd; four months, Is 10 Jd; Shanghai! 2a 5d; foiu- months, 2s 0d; Singapore and icunns, iviu montns, is iu ls-Ui(L; Yokohama, four months, 2s 7 7-lGd. The India Council have made th following special allotments Telegraphic Trani-fers 7'00-OQO rupees on Calcutta at la 4 1-16d; 1-25 000 rupees on Calcutta Is 4 l-32d. The premium on gold at Buenos Ayre on April 18 was 166 50 per cent. Rio Tinto Co, Ltd Holders of share warrants to bearer are invited to present Coupon No 2 for the dividend 2s Id per share on the Preference shares and of 20s share on the Ordinary shares, to be paid on the 2nd prox. Henry Mitchell and Company.

Limited, brewers of Smethwick, Birmingham, have amaigamatea wieir uusmess wjtn the Butlers, Wolverhampton Brevery Company, thus forming on of the largest breweries in the country. Mr. Mitchell presided over a meeting of shareholders of Henry Mitchell to-day and stated that the purchase-money agreed upon was 500,000. After dealing with the liabilities taken over and Butler with 93,750 for premium on cTf cir-shares the company had to find Thecoropany became possessed of 130 public-houses. The market price of shares, which was 29 before combination, now stood at 40.

The capital outlay would be reduced 30,000 by absorption of stocks owing to concentration of the two businesses. The necessary alterations in the articles of association were adopted. Traffic receipts Tramways North Metropolitan last week shows 2,215 increase; Calais, 21 increase Bordeaux Tram and Omnibus, 135 increase; Glasgow Tram and Omnibus, 353 increase; Swansea, 12 increase; Sunderland, 95 increase; Wolverhampton, 97 increase: Belfast Street, 791 increase; Provincial, 529 increase; Southampton, 133 increase; London Southern, 108 increase; Leabridge and Leyton, 277 increase. Canadian Railway Cauadjau Pacific for White, 16s 6d to 18s: black, 13s 6d to 15s. Oatmeal Qi Irish, who were expecting to Exira, per 6d to 13s II, sl(ared at prices wldca have not been reached 12s 0d aakes, 12s Od to 13s Atneiiews sad Cana-! Poinds sterling per ton; nor was the quantity 6d to 10s 6d; do 6d to lis.

Fkmr akea Kreat- Ciy trad limited sad in a drag- Patent, per HSIbs, 12s to firsts. 10 6i tig groove, Prices are very wide according to to 12s seconds, 10s to inferiors, 10s to lis and top figures are only maiu-Pollard rune, per 1 llbs, 4e to 5 3d; waree, 1 for uainerops and champions of esttb-4s to 44 Sd. tinui White, per 112lbs, 5s 6d bar8oter. Average maincrops and butes; 6s: red, 4s 3a 5. Eye, per 280Ibs.

00s Od. 5s od champions, 4s to 4s 8d and 23s 6d to 24Sf 35. 6d to" 24s spru.g (No 1 hard 24, 0d to 24'. 6d; American, Northern, 24, 6d; Ameiicau 23a i1" Od- Maize, Pr old, l7; 6i ll to lSsOd. 280lDb American (Winter Patent spot), 33s Od 34s od; do.

do, to arrive, 33s 0d to 34s 6d; do, (straight, faacys, te, spot), 32s Od to 32s 6d do de, spriBB patent, 3Ss 0d to 34t 64 do, do (itraiaht, fancy, '30s 0d te 32s Od Od to 420d Freacb, 30 Od to 32i tjKi im. st.n a m. sio High I.

The Freeman's Journal and National Press from Dublin, Dublin, Ireland (2024)


What is Freeman's journal? ›

The Freeman's Journal is one of the most important newspaper sources for Irish Historical Studies. A strongly nationalist newspaper the Freeman's Journal will always be associated with one of the most popular anti-government quotes of the 19th century “no man died of famine during his administration”.

Who owned the Freemans journal? ›

The last edition appeared on 19 December 1924. The Freeman's assets, including the title, were later bought by its archrival, the Irish Independent, which for many years afterwards carried in its masthead the legend 'incorporating the Freeman's Journal'.

What is the weekly freeman newspaper? ›

The Weekly Freeman was the weekend edition of the Freeman's Journal, a nationalist daily broadsheet published in Dublin from 1763 to 1924, when it was merged into the Irish Independent. The Weekly Freeman began publishing in 1871.

What was the first newspaper in Ireland? ›

In 1685, the first genuine Irish newspaper, The News-Letter, was printed in Dublin by Joseph Ray, printer and bookseller in College Green, for Robert Thornton at the Leather Bottle in Skinner Row. A half sheet folio printed on both sides, it was devoted to foreign affairs and political intelligence.

What is the Freeman magazine? ›

The Freeman (formerly published as The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty or Ideas on Liberty) was an American libertarian magazine, formerly published by the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE).

What is the main point of R Edward Freeman's article? ›

The theory argues that a firm should create value for all stakeholders, not just shareholders. In 1984, R. Edward Freeman originally detailed the Stakeholder Theory of organizational management and business ethics that addresses morals and values in managing an organization.

Who does Freemans belong to? ›

Freemans Grattan Holdings (FGH) is part of the OTTO group – one of the world's largest home shopping organisations.

Who is the parent company of Freemans Catalogue? ›

Otto Group

Who is the owner of Freeman news? ›

Since 2004, the newspaper has been published by the Philstar Media Group, publisher of the Manila-based newspaper, The Philippine STAR, with former owner Jose "Dodong" Gullas retaining editorial control over the newspaper.

Who owns the daily Freeman? ›

in Uptown Kingston in 1974 and 115 Green St., also in Uptown Kingston, in 2021. The publication is owned by MediaNews Group, Inc.

Is The Weekly news still published? ›

It was announced in April 2020 that the paper would close. The final edition, number 8,600, was published on 30 May 2020, which coincided with the paper's 165th anniversary.

How many weekly newspapers are there in the United States? ›

A key takeaway from Medill's annual “State of Local News Project” is that since 2005, there have been 2,900 newspapers that have stopped. There are now approximately 6,000 newspapers remaining with most of them (4,790), weeklies. In 2005 there were 8,891 newspapers. In the early 20th century.

What is the most respected newspaper in Ireland? ›

Top ten irish newspaper publications
  • Sunday Independent. ...
  • Sunday World. ...
  • Irish Independent. ...
  • The Sunday Times. ...
  • The Irish Mail on Sunday. ...
  • The Irish Times. ...
  • The Irish Farmers Journal. ...
  • Irish Sun on Sunday.
Feb 29, 1988

What is Dublin's main newspaper? ›

The Irish Times is an Irish daily broadsheet newspaper and online digital publication. It was launched on 29 March 1859.

What is the oldest newspaper still in circulation? ›

The Bombay Samachar, now Mumbai Samachar, is the oldest and still existing newspaper in India.

What is the meaning of plos journal? ›

PLOS (for Public Library of Science; PLoS until 2012) is a nonprofit publisher of open-access journals in science, technology, and medicine and other scientific literature, under an open-content license. It was founded in 2000 and launched its first journal, PLOS Biology, in October 2003. Public Library of Science.

What is the Nejm journal? ›

The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) is recognized as the world's leading medical journal and website. Published continuously for over 200 years, NEJM delivers high-quality, peer-reviewed research and interactive clinical content to physicians, educators, researchers, and the global medical community.

What is NLP journal? ›

The NLP journal affords a world-wide platform for academics and practitioners to present their latest theoretical, practical, and methodological research concerning the development and application of trustworthy AI to analyze, process, or model human language across various multimodal contexts, domains, and intelligent ...

What did the Freedom's journal earned distinction as? ›

Founded on March 16, 1827 as a four-page, four-column standard-sized weekly, Freedom's Journal was the first black-owned and operated newspaper in the United States, and was established the same year that slavery was abolished in New York State.

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

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