The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)

THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD. WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1901. Funerals. The Friends of Mr. and Mr.

I. SOLO. MON are respectfully requested to attend the Punera) of their dearly beloved DAUGHTER to leave 331 Abercrombie-street, Redfern, at 8.30 a.m. for the Necropolis, A G. MOB.

AMO5 -The are Relatives and invited to Friends attend of the Mr. Funeral GEOROB of late beloved NEPHEW. Henry John George Amos, which will move from hie mother' residence, 15 atri et, off Sussex Sydney, THIS (Wednesday) MORNING, at half- past o'clock. for the Necropolis, WOOD 301 COMPANY, Telephone, 726. Funeral Directors, The Funeral the late Mr.

ROBERT EVANS will leave the Bydney Hospital at 1.30 THIS DAY for the I. C. Cemetery, Rookwood, via suary. G.A, SALMON and COMPANY, Undertakers. 58 George- street Wont, Telephone, 154 Alebt.

The Friends of Mr. J. M. RYAN are kindly invitel to attend the Funeral of his dearly beloved MOTHER: to move from her late residence, 18 street, Komore, THIA WEDNESDAY, at 1.45 p.m., for the Newtown station. thence to the Necropolis Sis.

P. KIRBY and SON, Undertakers, 7 Elizabeth street; 113 Miller-street, North Hedooy. 875. Friend- of the late Mr. WILLIAM CHILD are kindly invited to attend his Funeral; to move from him Into resid nea.

580 King-street, Newtown, TUTS (Wednosduv) AFTERNOON, at 1.45, for polis, F. W. HARTLEY, Undertaker, 301 Newtown. 194. The Friends of Mm.

MARY ANN CHILD ate kindly invited to attend the Funeral of her late beluved HUSB ND, William: to move from his late residence, 545. Sewtown, THIS (Weincaday) ut 1.46, far the Necropolis, via Newtown Station. F. W. HARTLEY, Undertaker, 301 King- st.

Nn. The Priende of HENRY and THOMAS CHI.D are invited to attend toe Funeral of their late belovel FATHER, William to move from his late residence 585 King--freet, Newtown, THIS (Wednen. day) AFTERNOON, at 1.45, for the Necropolin. F. W.

HARTLEY. Undertaker, 311 King-street, Newtown. ARVIS, The Friendent the late Constable CHARLE8 JARVIS (of the Newt awn Police Force) are kindly invited to attend him Funeral to move frota his late residence, street, New own, THIS (Wednesday) AFTERNOON, at 1.45, for Necropolis. F. W.

HARTLEY, Undertaker, 301 King Newtown, 184 Newtown. The Friends of Mr. and Mr. A. E.

WILD. MAN are kindle invited to attend the Funeral of their late beloved BROTHER-IN-LAW, Charles H. Jarria; to move from his lute residence, Mary -street Newtown, THIS (Wedne AFTERNOON, at 1.46, fur Necropolis. F. W.

HARTLEY, Undertaker, 301 Kinz-street, Newtown. Friends of Mr. and Mra. D. WILD.

MAN are kindly invited to attend the Funeral of their late bel wed SON-IN-LAW. Charles H. Jarvis; to move from late residence, Mary -street, Newtown, THIS (Weinesday) at 1.45, for Necropolis. F. W.

BARLEY, Undertukar, Newtuwn. OYAl ST. JOHN'S LODGE, 1.0.0.F.M.U.Officers and Members of the above Lodge are kindly invited to attend the Funeral of our lute CHARLES H. JARVIS; to move from bin lets residence, Mary: street, Newtown, THIS (Wednesday) AFTERNOON, at 1.45, for Necropolis. JAMES AWINBOULNE, N.G.

JAMES TRARAIR. Fin. Rec. The of Mr. and Mrs.

Wile BALK WELL are kindly invited to attend the Funeral of their late beloved SOM, William, which will wove from their residence, 84 Balmain, THIS (Wednesday) AFTERNOON, at quarter to 2 o'clock, for Gore Hill Cemetery. WOOD and COMPANY, Telephone, 726, Funeral Directors. The Friends of Mr. and Mrs. DICKISON are kindly invited attend Funeral of their late beloved DAUGHTER, Alice Annie, which wil move from their residence, Nu.

29 Queen-street, Newtown, THIS (Wednesday) AFTERNOON, at 2 o'clock, for Nowtown station, and thence to Necropolir. WOOD and COMPANY, Telephone, 724. Undertakers and Embalmers. The Friends of the late ROBERT T. EARN HAW Are informed that Funerul will loave 75.

Darlinghurst-road, top of William -street, THIS (Wednesday) AFTER at quarter-past 2 o'clock, for Balmain Church of England Cemetery. CHARGES KINS TA. Funtral Director, 116 Oxford-street and Branches. Telephone, 992. A and The MARTHA Friends of EARNSHAW Mr.

wad aro Mra. Informed W. RILEY that the Funeral of their dearly beloved BROTHER. Robert I'. Earnshaw, wil leave 79 Darlinghurst-road, top of William-street, THIS (Wolnesday) AFTERNOON, NC quarter-; ast 2 for Buimain C.

of England C'emetery, -The Friends of Mr. and Mr. GEORGE EARNSHAW are inforined that the Funeral of their denrly beloved BROTHER, Robert T. Parnahaw, will leave 78 Darling top or Willian THIS WedA PERNOO nt o'clock, for maia Church of -noland emetery, CH AS. KINSELA.

-The Friends of the late JAMES TOBIAS are kindly invited to NO tend his Funeral to move fruin his late residence, corner Rote and Roseby streeta, Leichhardt, THIs (Wedncsday) AFTERNOON, at 2 o'elock, for Petersham Statiun, thence bi R.4. Cemetery, Rook wo d. J. CROCKETT and SON, Undertakers and Embalmers, Leichhardt und Summer Hill. T-l-phone, 907 Peter hum.

The Friend. of Mr. CATHERINE BOURKE and FAMILY are respectiully invited attend the Funeral of her dearly loved HUSBAND and their J- mer Tobias Bourke; to inove from him ate residence, er. Note and noseby Leichbardt, THIS (Wedne day) AFTERNOON, at 2 o'clock, for Peterbam Station. thence to R.

C. C-metery, Rook wood. -The Friends of Sir. and Mre. B.

BRADY are invited tu attend the Funeral of their dearly beloved SON-IN-LAw, the late James Tobias Bourka: tu leave his late residence, cr. Rufe and Roseby Leichhardt, THIS (Wednesd4y) NOON, at 2 o'clock, for R.C. Cemetery, Reokwod, vin Petersham station. Friends of Mr. and Mr.

T. BRADY. Mr. and Mr. BASTABLE, Mr.

and Mra, ENGLEFIELD, and JOIN and BRADY are invited to attend the Funeral of their beluved LAW, James 1. Bourke; to leive his late re-idenc-, Role and Ro eby I ('NIA (We inwaday) APTERNOON, At 2 cluck for R.C. Rookwuod. SOCIETY, St. Brunch, No.

182. H. The and Members of the abuve Branch kindly requoated to niten the Funeral of our late Brother, JAMES TOBIAN BOURKE; to leave his pee, corner of Rofe ant streeta, eichharit, THIS Wedne-day) AFTERNOON, at 2, fur the R. Cemetery, wood, vin P'eterahum station. 'T.

O'CONNOR, President: ULLIVAN, Secretory. The Friends of Mr. and MIN. GEORGE ato invited to attend Funeral of their late carly beloved SUN, John: to move froin their resideuce, 3 Belmore-street, Rozelle, Balmain, TO-MORHOW, THURSDAY, at 1 p.m.. for the Necropolis.

COFFILL and COMPANY, Sydney, Balman, North Sydney, THE Officers and Members of the UNITED SOCIETY of BOILERMAKERS OF ew South Wules are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of their late Brother, JOHN JORNSON to inove from No. 3 Rozelle, TO-MORROW (Thursday) quartet to 1 u'aluck. ALLEN M' DOUGALL, PIES. J. RUSSELL, Gen.

Sec, TITH Upwards the of FINEST PIETY PLANT YEARS' and Experience, LARGEST ROLLING STOCK in the Colonies, wo are prepared execute all business competently, N.B. SPECIAL ATES to Members of FRIENDLY BOCIETIES and for abenlute cash transactions. WOOD AND COMPANY, SYDNEY and SUBURBS. Telephone, 726, COFFILL AND COMPANY, the Originators of REDUCED FUNERAL CHARGES, Furnish from the Simplest to the most Stately. EFFICIENTLY and ECONOMICALLY.

CENTRAL. OFFICE: 812 GEORGE-SPRIEr. 424, Balmain, Sydney, We HIe supplying special class of Beautifuils Enlarged Portrnita finished frum any Photograph sent to us Art Pictures in -carefully mounted in Photos. a returned Frame uninjured. ready A for faithful hanging.

likeness guaranPrice teed. There A nothing more desirable than 8 Enlarged Portrait of the Departed, THE CROWN STUDIOS, Next to Georer and Market atreeta, Sednev. J. DIXON and 120 OXFORD-STREET, W. CITY: 183 GEORGE-STREET WEST.

588. STATE and REFORM FUNERALS FURNISHED OD The inost reusonable torme, Exhuming and Removal of Remains from closed Cemeteries under efficient management. PARCUMBE and Marble and Granite Masons, Cheapest prices, bich-clara work. Rookw'd. ALTER STEWART and SON, Undertakers 1544.

and Embaltners, 129 Bathurst-at. Personal. A Goods RTISTS for and lowest PAINTERS. buy from you want Desk JAMES SANDY and 271 and 8:10 Genre-street. MARRIAGES LEGALLY SOLEMNISED by fully GAZETTED Ministers as required by LAW.

Any denomination. From 0 a.m. till 10 p.m. NO, NOTION necessary. Witnesses FREE.


Fee his. WE 67 P'hillip-street, unzt Metropole. HOOKER Detective and Chancery Branches Agency, 126 everywhere. Sydney, Telephone, 10111, BEAUTIFUL Complexion for Ladies. Use Uncle A Toby's lulled Oats for Breakfast, Dinner, Renzio, and Tea.

DVERTISER hear Andrew A smith. Mrs. AL' Naught, Lit. of Mr. N.8.

W. G. A NYBODY RAINS, from knowing New Zealand by the Westralia, the whereabouts please M. E. RAINS, G.P.O., Bydney.

communicate to A known cure, prev, bald scalp treat. Medicus, Enmore. IDDLES' Trivate Inquiry Agency, 303 Surry Hills. cure, KOWN'S no pay. RHEUMATIC 178 GRIP.

for all Alexandria, paise. No HAIR TONIC. for Weak, Thin, and Falling Hair. Leading Chemiata, 28 6d per bottle. ARRY, A little Dickens Whisky with TO your meals instead of tea will help digestion.

Tom. We absolutely guarantee 8 to 0 PERMANENTLY D. Destroy Superfluous Hair without pain or injury to the most. delicate skin. Beware of worthless counterfeits, but call or write t3 THE PARISIAN DRUG 8 Bond Bydney.

nond name ocer not keeping Upton a Marvel MA Hosp Powder will forward six for trouble, Tradesman de sequain. ye. woman, means, ew. above. A.

Wol'kong wich. meet Quiet, lady, R. well-enue. prof. M.

young E. map, G.P.O. -I our baby in cross, fretfni, teething, Baby Sweet Powders will cure. All 1e. HENRY G.

P.U, to your advantage. Afrodo. AGENOY IS REMOVED tO above Pickets Melbourne cheap. UM. Tell WHINKY the boys the ther Anetralia nan Hotel.

now Ret DICKENS at UASNAU, Feather Curler, call on Mr. Selig, 130 Newtown, Rawlings, Conrad. of PArramatta, WOULD to Alice M. Waverley Girl, DUNG rich Man, businosa, means, view matrimony. 4.

desires acquaintance FOR THE ROYAL VISIT." THIS WEEK WE ARE MAKING A GRAND BEOW of AUTUMN AND WINTER GOODS. E. WAY AND COMPANY, PITT-STREET We invite to our Warehouse This Week, Our Home Buyers bave been ful in obtaining all the Latest Novelties, which we are offering at Wonderfully Foopomical Prices, Intending Purchasers will be pleased at the Quality sad Styles, E. WAY and COMPANY, ROYAL GOODS at PEOPLE'S PRICES, BUY TO-DAY. WE GIVE THE VALUE, FOR THE DUKE'S VISIT.

Black and White Bilks, in pretty designs, 24 64 to 4 11d yard. Black Black Glare Tadeta Silke, Silks, 2a in 3d self to 38 checks lid stripes. Black Wool Poplins, la lid to is 8d yard. Royal Purple Poplins and Clothe, READY TO WEAR COSTUMES. We are prepared to supply Ladies with complete Festivity Outfit at a moment's notice, at Prices to suit all parties, No other House in the State CAD bow you such an enormous ABsurtment of Ladies' Genuine English Tailor -made Garments: all the newest materials, at prices frum 21a to 0 guineas, CHILDREN'8 ENGLISH CO AT AND SKIRT COSTUMES.

No other House in the State can show you such an ment of smart, -out, up-to-date Genuine made Garinente, Our output for the present season has already been something enormous, The very datest gonda, sizes fruin 3 to 8, in the New Harris Tweeds and Plain Clothe, in all shades, Prices, 108 61, 13s 6d, 176 6d, 218, 278 6d, to 550. WE GIVE THE VALUE. DIRECT FROM THE OSTRICH, Hundreds of Beautiful Ostrich Tina, 1a 11d, 2a 11d, 38 6d, 58 6d, 7a 6d, 128 64, and 158 6d. Ostrich Tina are very fashionable. For Pretty Stylish Millinery you cannot do without them bu other ming is balf so effective.

Buy l'o-day in our Busy and Fashionable Millinery Department. OSTRICH PEATHER BUAS. OSTRICH FEATHER BOAS for the DUKE'S VISIT. To be woll dressed wear an Ostrich Bus no costume complete without one. We have Real Ostrich Bow, full and rich looking, in White, Black and Whito, Black.

Natural, and Grey, Prices, 125 6d, 15s 6d, 188 64, 258 60, 85s 6d, 893 6d. VISITORS VISITORS VISITORS TO THE CITY CANNOT DO BETTER THAN GET ALL THEIR REQUIREMENTS FROM US. E. WAY AND COMPANY, 213, 215, 217, 219 PITT-STREET. Election Notices.



JOHN CAMPBELL, the Fre-trade and Liveral Candidate, will ADDRESS the ELECTORS at an early date. F. BACK WELL, lion. Sec. B' ELECTORATE Mr.

HENRY DAL.Y will contest this seat in the Freetrade nod Liberal interest. OF FITZROY. ELECTORS not Pledge Yourselves. Mr. FRANK M'DONALD will be A CANDIDATE at the Coming State Eleation.

0 I 8 N. Alderman ARTHUR M'ELIONE will be a CANDIDATE for ELECTION TO THE NEW PARLIAMENT. PO ELE 0 AT E. ELECTORATE. CANTERBURY Er-Ald, SLATYER will Address the Electors at Hickson's Hall, Liverpool-FUNd, ENFIELD, TO-NIGHT at 8 o'clock.

IRRIOK VILLE STATE ELECTION. Mr. DAVID CHENHALL, Freetra and T.iberal Candidate, will Address tho Electors from Schofleld's Balcony, corner of New Canterburyroad and livingstone-road, on THURSDAY EVENING, 25nd instant, at 8 o'clock. W. R.

BENSON Juint Hon. H. A. LANGLEY MEETING TO-NIGHT, at 8, Federation Hull, Church- bill, to form Committee to secur: Re-elation of MI. W.

J. SPHUSON, M.P, PING DIVISION ELECTORATE. FRED for King Division. A Public MEETING of the electors will be held at St. James' Ha', Phillp-street, near King-street, on WEINESDAY, 12th Jun, at A p.

in support of the election of FRID WALSH, the Freetrade and Liberal Candidate. W. BE Hon. C. C.

MAR HALL Committee Roums, Goaford Hotel, Castle 1 8 N. A MEETING of the Friends and Supporters of Alderman THOMAS HUGHIS will be held at the OXFORD HOTEL, King-street, THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, the 2und instant, al 8 o'clock, for the purpose forming A Committee and making the necessary arrangements bu secure his return at the coming election. A. W. RELPH Hon.

Sece. THOMAS SHINE pro tem. 110 THE ELECTORS OF KING DIVISION. A MEETING of the Friends and Suppurters of H. C.

PARR, J.P., will be held at an early date, due notice of which will be given. OP KING DIVISION. Mr. FRANCIS MEACLE is A and requeste YOUR SUPPORt and INFLUENCE. ANG Division.

J. J. Power's Public Meeting will be held Freemasons' Hall, 8 p.m. MAIN SOUTH. of the and supporters N.

J. LAW. Sterland'a M.I.A Hall, unanimously Selected bour Candidate, in Darlingstrret, Roselle, TO- at 8. GRAY, J. BLACKMURE, J.

KING, R. M. PONTEY, P. SHENRY, Joint. Secretaries Fellow Owing there being an abler and mure representative Candidate (Mr.

J. K. Dacoy, M.L.A in the field for your Electorate, I am not Candidate, and sincerely hupo ba re- for the advancement of the Electorate that ho will ag-in elected. M. J.


M'UOY will address the Electors at the Congregational School Hall, corner EVENING, Illawarra at 8 and o'clock, Warren THIS WEDNESDAY PERCY W. BERNE, J. C. BEER, W. TWIST, Hon.

Bees. ABRICKVILLE STATE ELECTION.Defer Pledging your Vote pending the selection of Candidates to represent Temperance, Moral and Social J. H. WISE, Chairman J. HAMMILL, Hop Secretary, 6 Clarence-atrect.

STATE ELE TIONS, Mayor of Marriok ville, is a Freetrade and Liberal MARRY PEROY JOSEPH8ON, Candidate for the State Parliament. EW electors, Town DO Hall, Elec. Camperdown, This CleRg, adriross 8. LECTORS OF PETER VOTES. SHAM.


the Electors on FRIDAY EVENING, MAy 24, 1 at the Windsor Castle Hotel, Elizabeth and Windsor streets. OF IT A Dr Do not Pledge your TONES Votes. D. C. RUSHELL will be a Candidate.

DE ELECTORATE HENLEY (Mayor of Drummoyne) will Address the Electors TO- NIGHT (Wednesdav), 'arrington Hall, moyne: THURSDAY, School of Prominent Arts. North Ryde speak, DAY, Towa Hall, Dundas. residents DE 1. 0 0 will Address the Electors an under Mr. PRANK FARNELG' (Council NIGAT.

RUNTEIR EIL.L (Connell chambers, will THURSDAY, 23rd, 8. The Mayors of Ride and ITunter' STill presido. ELECTORATE. Alderman CLAUDE LEPLASTRIER, J.P.. wIll at address the Elector, WALKER'S HALL.

"Falcon-street, North HALL, TO-NIGHT. Sydney, 8.p.m. FRIDAY EVENING, 24th instant, at 8 p.m. J. A.

AURIN, Hon. 8- cretary, COMMITTEE MEETING of the Friends and porters of Mr GEORGE HAR held at Da Ultimo Hotel, at 8 TO-NIGHT, V. E. BRITAIN DAVOREN Eecs. T.

URN TU Address Eicetora At SMITHFIELD HALL, on THURSDAY, MAY 23rd, AF 7,80 p.m. Professions, Trades, A BET UP TEETH, ONE GUINEY. Beautiful ADd and Lifelike in Appearance, Guaranteed Perfect Pit. Absolutely Painless EXTRACTIONS and STOPPINGS. Attention Given to REGULATING CHILDREN'S TEETH.

ME. J. BPENCER NOLAN, Surgeon Dentist, 48 Oxford street. (Telephone, 1150 THE PRIDE OF PADDINGTON. TAOB.

COOKE'S UP.TO HOUSE for Millinery Hosiery Drapery Gloves C'ustumes Blankets HIGHEST QUALITY. LOWEST CITE PRICES. THOS, COOKE, 446-450 OX Professions. Trades. ARTIFICIAL H.

EXCERPT FROM THE BULLETIN" What shocking charnel -houses, to look into, are tho mouths of too many Australian girls The teeth look like a friest after a blackening, withering. and blasting Are. Or one might fancy a aDashing blow with a pallet had been ran't struck on all the teeth at once, Fine Kirin, who false teeth, appear as crones with perhaps just two teeth left in front, and those wagging. It is either Bid ur lut of teeth glaring cause piano-keys for artificial teeth. teeth or no annually of funerals in Australia." But surely when a beautiful lifelike set of Teeth ran be adjusted 10 few days for the nominal fee of £2 108 by Mr.

J. I. MARSHALL (28 -square) such a bideous blot on beauty could be avoided. CARD. A Mr.

GEORGE, Deplist, will be out of town SATURDAY MORNING, 25th. Will see patients the APTERNOON. 3215. 481 Pitt-street, near A. Hordern'a tenroom.

FACT ONLY PLACE IN SYDNEY where Aching, TEETH are EXTRACTED without the Slightent Inconvenience, or Alter Effects, Fee, 20. Full Set Beautiful Teetb, perfect At, £1. Single Tooth, 3a Ad. Pivot Tonth, 10a Gold Crown, 12a 6d. Silver Sloppings, 28 6d, Gold, 78 6d, Full Set 18ct.

Gold, IDEAL DENTISTS. cates GEORGE-STREET middle of New (over Markets, Beale'), George-street. opposite entrance DENTAL NOTICE. -Hubert Tolhurat, N.8. W.

Dental Institute, 46 George-st. West. opposite fire station. EVENING CLASS for Junior, and Public Service Exams. D.

79 city. DVERTINER, cumpetent accountant and salesman, with connection town and suburbs, open for GAGEMENT, excellent references, Commercial, Herald, LACKAMITA wanted, used enrincer' work also Lad, attend boiler, engine. J. Bud: 745 BICKLAYER, compt. to lay brick dooring.

Apply 10 o'olonk, H. M' Na Darling Harbour. O0KKE KEYPING. Double Entry, Practical Instruntinn F. Bender, Accountant, 21 D.

at. Fatimaten, inur, Saturdays. Har Ultimo. '6d, and 1. a quartor, Forsyth, 83 Practical instruction, 125 0OT SHOP, Repairing: and Bespoke Business for Fale, nny trial.

Particulars J. Duhig, O0T TRADE. -Wanted, Clicker, used to best work, Constant -ituation. By letter. A.

Herald Office, OUT TRADE Wanted, Impruver, brat good wAger, T. Hunter's Hill (Lane Cove OUT TRADE. Wanted, Machini-t, Impruvere, Puff Boy Girl, socking. Papkin, 44 Pad, OUT MACHINISTS and Tier--off wanted. Burrows, George -At.

TRADE- MAKERS, men's work Improvers for Making, good wages. 1 Woollabra, BOOT Wanted, a TIER.OPF. Burne and Coleman, 535 toy floor. OOT TRADE Wanted, MAKE, toen' tweed work. E.

Gillow, boot shop, M'kville, Trade. -Wanted, best and Machinist. and John Hunter and Son,, Redfern, OUT Wanted, Timing CUTTERS, (low 19 Newtown. DOT TRADE. Wanted, ST A HRS for women's aud children's.

Fuller Alexandria. BOUT Peshter, TRADE. An I 4 -Good CLICKERS Al-zundris. wanted. Wilson, BOY wanted, must be North Sydney, Boot Company, DOY wanted for labelling, uned to the trade.

M'Lean's Cordial Factory, 015 Fitzru Sunry DE. -Wanted, FITTERS and good wager to competent hands no other need apple. ENOCH TAYLOR and Bay-street, Botany, RI Wanted, thirts immediately. 118 per day to Arst-class men, long job, slecping accommodatinn free, board 198 3d per week. Fare from Sydney Portland refunded first pay day.

COMMONWEALTH PORTLAND CEMENT Portland. EGGS' ROYAL GOO WHISKY, WHITE SEAL (in Bulk and Case), As evidencing its excellence it may be stated that this unly Brand of Seut Whisky that is now used in all Loyal Palaces in Great Britain. A. THOMPSON and 129 Pitt-street. RI-BANE BOARD OF WATER WORKS, ENGINEERING ASSISTANT AND DRAFTSMAN.

APPLICATIONS will be received at this Offloe until a.m. of MONDAY, the 1-t Tuly next, for the P. sition an ENGINEERING ABSI-TANT and DRAFTSMAN; salary nt the rate of £950 per under annum. of Candidatra must nut be the age 25 vears, must have rece ved the taining of an Envinver, and have served either in a Waterwo ka or Water Engineer's Office. By order of the Board, ApplicatioN, wit' not more than three testimonials, endorsed Application AN an Engineering Assistant Draftsman, OLO, JOHNSTON, Secretary.

Otices of the Brisbane Board of Waterworks, Brisbane, 13th Mar, 1901. IMPROVER wanted, country job. 9 we lock, coiner Harrington and Gruavenor VAR PENTERS. Goud HANDs wanted. H.

T. Leggo, upp. Pablic 1, Staminore station. TONNELLAN'S Biby Sweet Sonthing Powders, xirat thing in all 1A. Business for Sale, very reasonable, fitted, gund stuck, splendid chance.

C'amphor, Herald. steady and reliable, seeks town or country, gond refa. Comp, weekly, Herald. tase Kingcharge TOMPOSITOR wanted, country mechanical dent 11 a.m., 94 YUNNALI AN'S baby sweet thing Helps baby lot All chemists, La, NUTTER wanted for stock, goad 200 opp. St.

Francis' Schuol, CARPENTER wanted, 47 Mark make t-st. steps in window, at once. YORSET ANd UNDERCLOTHING DEPARTMENT.A smArt SALESWOMAN wanted fur this department. Apply, with references, 10 a.m., this afternoon, HORDERN BROTHERS, Pitt-street. NOSTUME DEPARTMENT.

quired fur this department. Apply, with references, 10 a.m., or this afternoon. HORDERN BROTHERS, Pitt street. ENTAL BURINESS for SAL.E, good practice, NorthRiver. At-tralian Drug RAINER; munt be god pine layer.

Apply on 141 city. Department. M' Dowell, goud and Sale Ru woman hes, 882-4 for Mantle RYES 11 gre. TUTTING 5 SCHOOL. 10 58.

Fitting, 121 Making Strand, taught 2nd RE Gnod experienced DHE8 MAKER wanted. A. D. Prico and Young. experienced Skirt.

Hands, also Apprentice. farmer and Company, Limited, RISSMAKING. Wanted, smart Improver, Woman to nEw. Open 2 days. 79 city Bodice RAND8 and provers.

Miss St-phens, 69 Pitt Redfern. TES9MAKING. Apprentires, Improvers Warner Healy, An'dale. RESSMAKING. Wanted.

Assi-tanta, Improvers, NAPERY. Apprentices. Young D. 1774 Cohen LADY and who Entnor Hyde called Park. again.

Assistants wanted; Apprentices. Mrs. Williams, 19 D' Tenens ENTIST, for few qualified weeks, and town, open c'iry. D. Engagement D.

Heruld. At. RES8MAKER, Zano by day; must Ann'dale, be stylish and 1, to and good RESSSAKEN, Bodice Hands. day, at Madam once. I Rome, diss 114.

Viot. Brown waged please call, 45 Surry Bills. A KER8. First-olasa Rodlice and Skirt wanted Mra. Miller, 181 n.

RES mart GiRLS, Improvers, at Misn Leni-, 51 Bodice Arcade. and SHirt HANDS. Apply Miss Von Hammer, William -at. RESSMAKING. Appa, Slims -B Ed wards, 110, Rd.

119 md salary Lady re iring from business connection 2 ROUMS with use of machine nod god to stylish dreasmaker. apply by letter with references, Y. Miller, 2.0., Parramatia-roud. Open til Monday. N'T PAY HEAVY BILLS.

Get Arauciation your (6 law Sydneg), and you will effect work done through the Co-operative immense saving. RESSMAKERS. A competent HAND references, required country. Apply with copies of salary required, to Box 498, G.P.O, Dressmaker, Btandard and Domestio Machines, 24 6d MESSMAKEUS. Light-runoink New week, genuine needles Rotary, and parts for all machines.

J. W. JOHNSTON and 10., 740 Haymarket. SALESMEN the and Royal Visit SALESWOMEN may call viaiting on the off chance of there being HORDERN BROTHERS, 208 Pitt street. RESSMAKER8.

Wanted, COAT HANDS. 10 a.m., to Dressmaking Department. BORDERN BROTHERS, 203 Pitt-street. RAPER'S ASSISTANT for Country orders Store, understand bookkeeping, taking from able to ride and drive: preference THIS given to married age nut over 30. Apply W.

80 GARDINER and a.m. DAY, 7 York -street, Bydney. constant work; also Machinist, for XPERIENCED wanted, wages, machine. HOLLANDER, 193 Queen Victoria Markets, FIRM of wholesale and ret. 0 prod.

£5000. merchanta 24, Workg. or Blpr. Partner, £21 wanted. Apply persobally, Engineer's Sugar Refinery, Pyrmont.

FOOD for the wwak and Oats. sickly, Uncle Toby's and Rood Table COMPANY, HAND, Limited. ME. uned to POTTER. Drapery Apply Furnishing Drapery Workroom.

FARMER A and good COMPANY, MACHINIST Limited. wanted. Apply Mr. POTTER. Furnishing Drapery Workronm.

with 82000 a Hall Share sound Manutsotaring Bus. Insa Hoary, 184 DUKE'S MEMORY. It is said that his Ruyal Highness the Duke of Cora wall and York bus a wunderfully goud memury, and that on meeting a certain genial gentleman to whom he had been exclaimed, introduced What bis ho visit Dan to Australia, Fancy 20 meeting years Agu, he you -07 words to that effect. With such is retentive memory his Royal Highness will not be likely to forget the sights we are now preparing for bim and the duch*ess- the Court of Erapire, the avenue, the illuminations, and those pretty and useful citizens' arches, otberwise boown an bristle's Umbrellas, which range in price from 28 5d to LADIES SILVER- UMBRELLAS, 38 11d. CHRISTIE'S UMBRELLAS, direct from Manufacturer to Public.

RE-COVERS (In 2 hours) from 28. Now Nibs from 6d. New Sticks frum BRISTIE. THE COMMON WEALTH UMBRELLARIAN, 11, THE STBAND. and at 520 near Park -street.

AGENCIES at Walker-street, Parramai North Sydney street, and Petersbam. Professions. Trades General and Jobbing Blacksmith and 16q. EMPLOYME will undertake any bility or inanagement, good with machinery. Apply Harrie, G.o H.

M. S. Rrown, C.auhbuil ler. Burwood. music, n' work, £36, stat Brewarrina, 2 Girl, interview 10 30: N.

French, D' work, £36, sub. Tutor, music, £50, station 3 L. Helps, 105, 8s, aub. 110 Bathurst-street.

required to REPRESENT LEADING LIFE INSURANCE COY, Splendid opportunity for energetic man. -class references required. Apply Arulyte, Herald Office. smart. resp.

BOY, able to lather and brush. Apply 95 Market-st. 1-T business: prinoip' Proprietory only. Box Medicine, 912, G. £400, P.ON.

all in afternoon. Apply Ted Tradesman Clark, 94 wanted for Wednesday city. RONMONGERS, Plumbers, And linniware Travellera and Axeisan's requiring are invited to regi-ter their names with Australasian Hardware and Machinery, 114A Pitt-at. No charge, SON'S SHORTHAND SCROOL, 05 TYPEWRITERS for BAI E. Staircase Rand.

Apply new building. Railway-avenue, 4 minutes Stanmore atation. AD wanted, ured to painting Also Boy for shop. A. Ford, 498 Ultimo.

BOY for solicitor's office, 54 per week. R. 8., Herald Office, King-st. MACHINISTS and Jacobson, Improvers 60 for mediuffl Singers, ACHINISTS wanted for Jackets, Capes, ke. Apply Manchester Mfr.

931 Kent-st. Wanted, IMPROVER for white work. P. J. Wilson, 97 Devonshire-at.

ACHINERS. Wanted, Art- MACHINER, coot. Cluthing Martin and 263 Kent-st. SCHOOL. 127, 129 Atrand.

MI and floor. Materials found. PRICK and MURRAY. KS. private HODGSON.

toe. Glenairlie, Professional 4 Midwife, in Newtown. patient's An excellent lot of Ladies' Maointoshes, newest styles, reduced to 304, u-un1 prion 40s to 5th from 21-. MYERS And Macintosh Mukers, corner Sydnes Arcade, King street. opposed, can take £60J.

PRACTICE, price £160, god terin, district, unW. RAMSAY. Medical Agent, Tel-, 9761. 15 treet. take £900, appts, £480.

price Country 4200, terms. PRACTICE, cash W. RAMSAY, Medical Agent, 8761. 15 Car EDICAL. Queensland, £940 (appta.

£440). PRACTICE, price good T250 cash, elimate. or INTER MEDICAT. AGENCY. 16 O'Connell street.

EDICAL LOCUM8, AG INCY ANBISTANTS, for TRANSF of PRACTICES, JAS. B. TAYLER, 118 tt-street. Telephone, 9081. TILLINERY thigh EDNA NOBI.E, 79 Strand 11st four only), 8 years milliner W.

Waters ani Co. Ladies made competent take Any position. Write for circular. Charges moderate. cla Millinar, inade comp.

business, 13 years' city Ladies Taught by first materials found, order taken. Special lawn Fat. Miss Currie. 128 Strand, und Anor, MANAGER open for ENGAGEMENT. perienced mining, competent engineer and ore dresser.

Address D. Herald fice, King-atreet. ME Man EDICAT. A Aplendid Doctor Opening required in N.9.W. hos, in for good £400 per year Hos.

Practice, Queen land, £300, live p.p. allowel, mice £GO; Gout tir P.actice, £550 (appts. £200), price £200, cash or terms. MEDICAL AGENT. 16 0 Connell-street.

once. A Fountry Practice, qualined cash take ASSISTANT £660, required £150: Unopposed Practice, £900 (app price £300 Practice near Hobart. £40, price £51. INTER-STATE MI DICAL. AGENCY, 16 O'Connell-street.

rears' experience, POSITION, Legal Manager's or Shareis broker's office; moderate salary. gorip, c.o, Harston, Partridue, and Little TOW PAPER for SALE. capital in stunt for pructi al man, "heap. Federal 94 Pict-st. T'URRE CARTER'S PRIVATE HOME for ladies dur1ng ace uchement.

19 Hyde Park, Syd. EGANIST and CHOIRMASTER REQUIRED SCOTS CHURCH. COLLINS-STREET, MELBOURNE. Duties and other particulars on personal or written application tu the Secretary. Mr.

THOMAS KIDD, to No. 317 Collina-street, Melbourne. APPLICATIONs for the position must be made in ing before 10th JUNE next. Improvers. -Two good wanted.

Apply foreman, Steven: Oxford-st. good HINT $7 St. Peter's, Wanted, IMPROVERS, S. P. Bray, 182 Paddington.

wanted. 1 aster Beer Brewery, DowPLASTERERS Rodfern. ID LASTERFR'S Oxf rd TARDURER and verponl wanted. ate. New Hotel, corner BOURER wanted.

New Building, Northwond Estate, nO Newtown. L. PARTNER, director, Sleeping, ur £1000 the to pt £5000 ov. N.S. W.

Herald. under DUKLE and Sauce Condiment. join Annandale another P.0. PLASTERER wanted. off Apuly 9 with cluck thols, rear of 9 DRINTER'S IMPROVERS Clarence-at.

wanted. Apply Opening for energetic man capital, Priestly, Wade, and 257 Sumex-st. DAINTERS wanted, Apply job, near Paddinzton. HANDS wanted; Mino, New Stores, Kent near Lives nool-st. wanted with old-estab.

turers' Agency, holdingivaluable sole line-, Ahowing a profit if p.m. Evers investigation courted. IVAN MEN 194 Pitt-street. DA Produce, wanted Auctioneer, with and £1000 to extend minision Agency near, showing To burincen man splendid opening. Full parlic.

IVAN BENNY, 174 job, PARTNERSHIP city, capital required Mered, Mercery and Tailoring extend premion-, £1000. Full infounation T. H. LIAMS and 147 Clarence-street. PARTNEr wanted, reference 118k capital, covered aarist by orders publish in A.

and further vecurity hwodsome profit. E. 11,, 68 Upper Pitt-atreot, Mileun's Print. AND BOOKKEEPING. Mr.

JAMES BRUCE conducts PRIVATE (day and evening) at 47 gives Tuition for LADIES. PURI.TO At SYDNEY Also end. TECHNICAL COLLEGE (P. nmanalur only), Wednesday, 3.30, 7, and 8 p.m.: TEORNICAL SCHOOL Im- wad Peomanship), Monday, 7.30 and p.m. -The Student who parsed Honours at the Technical College Eximmations Bookkeeping this year was a member of the ASH CLA88.

New Term commences this week. call DERMANENT AND PROFITABLE EMPLOYMENT for YOUNG MEN also will certainly result from a course of Training in Pad. BUSINESS SUBJECTS Locum at STOTT and HOARE'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. good Est. There is a constant demand for young women who also received a Rtenographia Training at The College, Mark.

chambers, -street, facing G.P,O. PART ERS HI Hands A stantia! VACANCY Firm Dow for a exists new in an MEMBER. old-established The attention and once. Gentlemen possessing business capacity is invited. Oity I mpital required.

Every will bo afforded for making thorough investigation. compt. Application in frat instance is dealred to Strand. Principal, offers Box 1724, Sydney. DERTH CITY COUNCIL.

all Legal an APPLICATIONS will be receired at the City Utice, Perth, Western Australia, until noon on MONDAY, for 2nd September, £700 1901, for the position of TOWN stating at a 'salary of per anuum. Applicants must possess first-clans municipal experience, And must have held the uftice of Town Clerk or Hume, Town Clerk to a cite or town of at leant equal importance per -to that of Perth. Applications from persona without experience will not be considered. Applicants abould testimonials. give full details of qualifications, send copies of in Personal can vasa of Councillora will disqualify.

All applications munt be endorsed Application Town Clerkship," and be addressed to his Worship Apply Mayor. W. E. BOLD, Acting Town Town Hall, Perth, 2nd May, 1901. must samples, LAD.

for nEWB Agency man, RESPECTABLE 129 Warerley, PAINTING and not Wall Papering sati by handy Man. 09 Riley -at. highe AND. -Du wich Fill, S. Public Tech.

felling next term 22nd, 7.10 p.m., 6d per gr. MART BITY, wages 6a to start. Sydney Chins GLEN Heparing 277 eily. require TAW DUCTUIT, for large Melbouine sawmill. Heiald.

enclosing, references and stating salary required, bhop, Saw, GORDON and GOTCH, Melbourne. Rolled EWING MACHINES of every inuke-New Standard Domestio, then. 28 6d JOHNSTON per And Rennine Needles and Fittings for work, and 740 Hay market, NORTHAN, TYPEWRITINU, HOURKEEPINO. Newtown Sebnol of Shorthand, St. George's Hall.

Iodiv. Tuition, day, evening. MART Junior DRAPER wanted, for in Apply ROBERT REID and Pitt-at. PAINLESS DENTISTRY, by the mid of CATAPHORESIS." TEETH can now be prepared for Filling Absolutely Without Pain by the above newls-inventod process if the nerve is exposed. To more fully reassure readers of this fact, I have shown the letters received from some of the Highest Officials in the colony upon whom I have used the phoresis to representatives of the Sydney Morning Herald and the Daily Telegraph, which letters can be seen at my Chainbers, This aunnuncement will naturelly commend itself to those who have been too nervi us to consult a Dentist for fear of the pain which has hitherto been inseparable from baving a tooth filed, Mr.

CHARLES I. HARRIS, Dentist, 6t. James' -chambers, King opposite the Queen's Statue. Telephone, 1482. Professions, Trades, 1 TONEM ASONA, 2 wanted, new It.

C. Church, Cardinal Mosinan'e. HAIR Removed by ELECTRO. LY818, permanently Face Massage (latent methods), SKINNER, Mr. Parker, Consulting Rooms, top of William -street, Darlinghurt.

0 Practical individual instruction by a method ensuring rapid progress Postal Les nA. J. REAVIEY, Cert Teacher, C. Cullege, 91 Elizabeth-street, near Hunter-street, CT. AGNES PRIVATE SURGICAL HOSPITAL.

For MEDICAT, and CASES. 233, 240, and DARLINGHURST, BYDNEY. This Hospital in under direct MEDICAT, Medical CONTROL. Patienta may be obtain attended in it by their own visere, and can particulars N8 to torme, from the SECRETARY or the MATRON, Members of Medical Profession and others are invited to inspect Institution. Telephone, 271 Exchange, HENRY WILLIAM MACREADY, HOSPITAL.

ICATIONS vited from Qualided Medical Practition-ra POSTPION of MEDICAL. OFFICER, salary two hundred and fifty pounds per annum, with right of private practice: three months' notice either aide to terminate agreement. Applications, stating full and enclosing copies of testimoninla, to be in the bands of the Secretary duties eleventh June. Successful applicant to commence first July, WA. DIGGER, Secretarr, St George, Queensland, Wanted at once, real good Costinaker Groune, 79 Redfern.

Hand, work with bighost wager. Laurence, 127 An'dale. Wanted, good COAT HAND, constant work. W. Gibb, 826 Oxford Paldineton, -COAT BAND wanted.

indoors. London, Amer can Tail. 0.. King At. Ge ruo-st.

ent. TAILORERSES. Machinist wanted Landon, American Tail. King-st. Ar ent.

TAILOR wanted. 174 William Lady'a -st. Jacket HAND for quata and Apprenwanted. No. Part ry, Murket, Clarence Trouser HAND, Ar only, door.

J. Balson, 00 city AN IMPROVER to 73 Riley Woollomo luo. TAILOR Alan Improver to Wanted, 43 Arat-cluma Market-at. Trousers ORE Wanted, 4 Improvers to conte, ourap. HandA, 237 neur Market-st.

Wanted, fir-t TrOUN, FAND, door also no fact. 70 job, Letchhardt, C'allan HOW Wanted, 2 mart. MEN. 010 Wanted, practical MINER, work reef, no cap. Nugent, saddler, 5, TO GROCER Wanted, Assintant, smart P.O, Man.

by letter VETO J. GROCERS. Burne, 248 and Wanted, 300 two smart JUNTORS. Balmain. NO PLUMBERS.

Wanted, 85 cond Hot- water Fitter, Improver. Chant, in Coat HANDS, only. 957 city. NO Wanted, DATMAKER. T.

Britton, I 244 Pitt-st. at TAILORS Wanted, Arst-claw Waistcoat men only, in doors 297 citr. TALLORS, Wanted, good Contmakers, men to hitting, 28 Hunter-Nt. TAILORS. God TOAT HANDS wanted.

TO uiso TAILORESHES. hinheat Wanted, S. frat- J. Tale, 32 l'oat Market-Rt. prices.

TAT Wanted, fire' Vest HANDS, TO D. Br bum a dC, 76 King-at. TO Cutle 70 first-clare King-at. Chat HANDS, TATTORRS9FA. Wanted, Hond IN PROVER, and enance good virl.

.1 pater, 11 NO TAILO 18. Wanted, good COATM Ralmain. KER, slant. A. Price, 170 Wanted, stick VAST HANDS.

16 Park-st. NUTOR, candidate mod. C. 8. F.

Herald 2, hours' Office, weekly, home, terms TUCK POINTERS wanted, Foster And Steam Joinery Works, Shepherd- t. near MAT Call and insert our MACHIVES, Innit for speed, 2- 64 per week. J. TORNATON and 716 George- at reet, Haymarket. Rotary MACHINES, ball as 8, again as others, 2n Gd per JOHNSTON, weak.

748 Havinarket. A 25 Flop Coat Machinists and provers, also Table Hand-, highest WARPS, employment. WALL.ACE and I eichhardt. CANVASSERS. -Targe number of A cheap Medical Guide for very cheap, big sellor great profits made; control given grand oppor to make money, giving up Box 119, G.

TO HOUSE be greatly AD GENRHAL Inoreased apolying to REOROF GRAHAM, Greer'a-chambern, 522 hive for two who TO well A bebured BUYS. E. WAY and COMPANY, Pitt-street. GorPractical Individual instruction 54 S. Touch COM System.

COLLEGE: 21 Elizabeth -street, near Hunter-street. with NO Wanted, CHARGE for Manchester Department. Point Apply on GALLAGHER'S ARCADE, Boys. Church -street, Parramatta. Apprentices to the millinery, must be young ladies.

Mine Moran, 10 Royal Arcade, TV side, ANTED, a MAN to price. maxe tr cite house, 7 ANT Lady PARTNER With 230 fo: olsea hus, App. V'. Hilda, Herald a ANTED, YOUTH for Manchester and Clothing Fusi- Apply C. G.

Hatte, Newtown. to WANTED, and 02 and Improvers, WII- 1., Necented PORTION Renly H. an Junior Herald Clerk Office. han1, ANTED, State knowl. J.

shorth. indispen. WANTED, strong LAD tu'strike. Ultimo. Pople's WANTED, um Colonial 195 OVENMAKER, city.

at Private WANTED, Parsons smart respectable and for Larly, used making and 8.30 tonhole Before 10, 2 with in HAND, for Platen Machine. FIELD WANTED Cunninghame and 146 Pitt-st. ROY, KO messages, learn WANTED, 469 Kent Druitt-t. ANTED, Seale, an tailor, to the oratmaking. Randwick.

ANTED, roud Skirt Hand, Also Bodice once. Miss rembath, costumiere, BRICKLAYER and Hodcarrier. WANTED, near Fish Markete. good COACHTRIMMER. Short have WANTED, Coachbuilders, Rushentter Bay.

Partner, -m. wager and article, money plant. Deimold, Herald, P. WANT Balmain, near Bald Rock. at once.

New. ANTED, BOY, capsuline nod Palace Bottle Department, 789 George. of 50,000 Buy BUITS to measure, RAND-MADE, Ell, 202 Newtown. guod Rabble Mason. Apply Mr.

WANT butham' a job, N. Sydney. WANTED 9.40, Cleat, I 7 AD, Re used boot trade, Annandale. ANTED, amateur Phot empher for enrden be letter to 0. P.0..

Annandale, ANTED, two guod experienced QUARRYMEN. Tudehope, Margaret-lane, smart YOUTH, used to produce Council horse. Clune, 63 Waterloo. CLERK, WA in any capacity, daily. Ailine, P.0., ANTED by good appearance and ANTED, good JOINERS.

Apply shop, Connell, Builder, Paddington. WANTED, behind BRICKLAYER. Tonhey's Brewery. Apply Bell ANTED, Moore Park, near Contennial Apply now Park such 7 ANTED, 6000 visitors to try my Pamous and to measure, nad 378 6d, Myerson, 699-5 YOUTH, used to secund-hand niture trado, paoking and useful. 623 ANTED, connection.

Die-smaker, Herald jrin anther office. for WANTED, PAINTER, by dev, And the Reilfern, Dear Brewery, 7 ANTED, 2 smart ceiling 8 o'clock, Occidental Intel, WynyardClerk. CANVASSERS for nit union WANTED 4, No. 54 WANTED, Leichhaidt. IMPROVER.

W. Drayton business, ANTED, good Skirt HAND, Impruvers, and Burken, costumier, 265 done WHOP give Bervicen, piano, painting, theory, furn. Room, Burry Teacher, experienced Charge HAND for term. clothing, and also for mantle, C. G.

and Apply HATTE, Apply ANTED, two for A.M. P. tu experience unnecersary, good income canned Retio CAn VASSOTA of Rood addrees. WM. Metropolitan Agent, 197 wrek, WA Echoul in important country district, Homes tWO Lady TEACHERS nOW standing preferred for Principal.

117, G. As P.O., istant music And painting. Box Sydner. 7 ANTED, for YOUTH. 18 to 20, thorough hand and typewriting indispensable, salary annum.

Apply by letter, Box 595, country. ANTED, LADY to take charge of Bool Apply at once with C. references G. or HATTE, FUR NECKLETS. The largest and Best Assortment in Sydney to select from, at prices ranging from 18 11d to QUINEAS.


Trades. ANTED. goud ureful TAILOR, single the tailoring business locality Newcastle, Apply ROBERT JACKSON and 163 treet. 7 ANTED, by an dim of Building tractore, a thoroughly competent FOREMAN to take outside work, more particularly masoun and bricklayers' work, good malary. Apply in writing in the Arat instance, enclosing cupies of testimonial, to Contractor, care C.

(. Mucher, 1394, 0, 8rd. ANTED, frat class CuTTER, to bent Wi Ladice' Business, and to work our electrio system for Ladies' Tailoring. W. T.

WATERS and King and Ocorge streets, Sydney. ANTED, MENU ANTI AS FOREMAN Ad- TURNERS and MACHINISTS; muat be the modern thoroughly machine accustomed to and control high-clans of men. State oxinterchangeable wurk, the and salary to age, perience, references, required WALKERS, LIMI ED, Engineer, Maryborough, Queensland. 17 OUNG Lady A PO aN Becretary or Awaintfor ant to a doctor or dentist. Nette, Herald Office.

OUTH wanted, must be amart. Apply Publisher, Australian Star, Cast lereagh-st. OUNG Man desires SITUATION 88 Clerk, good by writer, excellent refe. A. L.

Herald. TOUNG LADY wanted for sketching and painting: alau, one bookkeeping. 11 u.m., Office, 73 Princes7 OUNG GIRL 1, learn wages Leichhardt. from beginning. Wallace and for Situations Wanted.

At the Servants' Home Employers suited Free, A all capac. E-tab. 1870. P. Herbert, manager, T89 Wait nu, 2 N.

N' women, 120, 145; A Conte. Hotel Bai vanta, M.C., sev. COA SMITH Arsteels reforences. A M. Herald COUNTRY Girl wants SITUATION Na Genera! A -mill famliy, good ref.

Apply Nellie,, Hedfero. GOOD Cook and Laundress des. POS. n8 HouseA keeper to gentleman. Steady, Edge Jiff P.0.

ata. 8 Working jus' from guod refeout- A rences. Address F. Petrie, 74 Wells Annandale. YOUNG Country Girl, 17, wants Sit.

trained vests. A as H. and P. Maid, 0. Strathf.

Reg. YOUNG would like SITUATION in conf. shop, Hand, A town or country. May, P.O, Glebe. COMPETENT Trained Nurse offer SERVICE, also capacity, attend invulid or infant, unfortable home, unoderate salary.

Open week. Felicity, Post-ofce, William -street. LADY Meks SITUATION Housekeeper, Annly oughly domestirated, bread, good manager, South needlewoman A Pk. and cook, can ke :45 New Head-1ond, to near Double Bay, L'dt. ONUS, £5, by young well educated Colo, Man.

Berald, Employment, Apply take would position like POS. responsibility. as Office wood writer, 15, fair educ-tion. R. C.

P.O.. Smry Apply OY, 15, want drive pony, ureful, ace, F. also intone. Unwin': Marriekville. youug Sin, Wardener and useful, written and refr.

l'. Hens men BY young Lady, Help, Amal plain ing, washing. 8 Randwick P.0, P. a respectable young Perron us Housemaid and BY in bar guod Alina, xl Post-office. Makers, BY middle-aged active, Conk, laundrew, Ple-re call, 65 Darlington used young Man, drive, milk, and useful, 72 resp.

Girl an Gen. Help. By letter, Wilson, BY T. M. Herald, Queen and Wilson Newtown.

Mande, Youtb an groom. warden, Speedy, South BY Leichhardt Pant Manageress, Refined, thoroughly any trustworthy ISITI where Housekeeper, trust Fail, cate make good conk. non. cumfortable home main Pider, P.O., William -atre 't. real good and F.

and P. Goneral withnut washing. Mrs. Walker, 150 con- Man give £10 erm. Employment, city UA9.

an Storeman Stanio. TELL MONGER will scouring. ing, dying, 10 y. p. wk.

English, Herald. at (N ON Tutors, Helps, exp. Cook, exp. drew. nev.

M. Counter, Gardener, wife Laundress; Beaner exp. Gardener, wife conk or exp. Chef. W.

Conk-, K'men, Grooms, Youth-. 110 Bathurst lintais OUST womnn, widow, little W. dower's, bach. h. pref.

Anxious, Devonshire ADY us Comp. In elderly lady, where fast rant kent, sin. remuner. Trevellyn, Burwo domesticate wishes Sit. an station of.

Address E. Grafton. ADY Help Di-en all duties but w.ah., pref. N. line.

Ni-bet. Phillip and fun er Ate. ADT Disengaged beginning Jun desires POSITION 10 reference. Good Luck, Oxford Family 19 (Sestch) want- light Place, knowl. gardening, and ther duties, wage bighest ref.

J. N. S. unity young, knowledge all hospital dutice, returns ENGAGEMEST. W.

Herald, King-t. RCHARD, GARDEN, Hand desires EMPLOYMENT, excellent moderate, or terin-, Culture, 65 Cowper -atreet, Marrick smart, DARENT wisher PLACE Son (18) in warehouse lean packing, Parent, Hlebe. Ek' DIET, per or Help, c. home, no Pal. F.

Herald, refined Person wants POSITION, ATI WAY Hegistry, 42 city. Maids, Mun, Help, H'k-epers, C. and Laundress. ESP, young Dew an H.M. Nod HAND vor H.

and I'. Maid con. prof. H. Park-nt.

P. ESPECTABLE Woman with Hard girl 3 wants Miller's Nous keeper or General. 12 TURNED Holder desires store ur warehou-6, gd. driver, gunr. Riven place trust.

031 Redfern ELIABLE Housemaid, 9A REGISTRY for all Pariourmaid, Classes of experiensed, smart waiting, city. wlan Generals and Balmain preferred. out- WINDRIM. 3 Brattie-street. Balmain.

SITUATION, with a child, general Surry housework, Rille, K. 14 MART young Married Couple de ire Potition, De- Hotel, country pr-f. Address Rapido, Heruld STEADY Man, 16 yrs, bank meg wania SIT. Dudley cAp. or Carolaker, refs.

4. William-st. P.C, Man, 46, wants Place of trust, temporary taker, any light work, refe. 8. Herald Branch.

I erson, 36, W. R'keeper, and nd. kep 2. pers, 100. F.

24 Herald. SQUATTERS, STATION OWNERS, Vanworks, Book and Store, Keeper, young inan station experience, well educated, with xond reterences, once. desires SITUATION. Apply R. Herald ANTED, by resp.

g. Girl, ATTUATION AS Packine. tuaid, good refs 43 Ba Redfern. ANTED. BITUATION by young Person with but- in small family.

19 Newcastle. ANTED. by respect. Widow, Office-cleanink, hour daily. 25 Redfern.

OLD Work by dey. go Paddington. washer trade. cleaner, good ref. ANTED, by superior Girl, small Apply family.

H. Glebo Post-office. by reliable trustworthy Widow, Handy, keeper, und. bar. A.

B. Herald, 99 hotel, g. WAKeN, Apply letter, L. 120 Mosm. by 2 exp.

Situation, 7 ANTED, by resp. Women, Washing or Cleaning day. personal refs. given. J.

William -at. ANTED, SITUATION, Gronm, Gardener, or manf. Launchman. H. Pennant Hills Kg.

WANTED by respectable Girl, Herald SITUATION BA set. G. Office. hours, 7 ANTED by Rough Carpenter, Paint. Parering, labelling.

hand" has tools. T. 8., Edgecliff at. TOUNG Lady will sesist light duties during day, 258. salary required.

Hope, Herald, King-nt TOUNG Widow, thor'ely desire Position. Ross- K'pr, g'il cook, town or c. Rydal, Herald DUNG Woman doures Ponir. As Couk, good energetio, hotel preferred. E.

O. POSITION Herald, D'omestic King-st. views. STOUNG open week. Apply X.

P.O., Lady wishes AR OUNG county Person desires Hit. m8 Mother a A. -mall wages, C. 1., Redfern 1.0, store and Servants Wanted. education, At the Servants' Home.

Laundry, other Padd. A Toya, country House Kepuirer, private J. 0. A I.a.. Eliz.

Boy. 160 Mra. l'wick. Manue, 148; 120 H. city, A -COOK, e'try hotel (man), Boundary 100.

Mra. M' Manus, 126 houses, A COMPT, H. After and 10, 44 P. Maid: al-o smart Wynyard-square. young gates, TUt, Suits A family.

Kandwick P.O, GENERAL. and NURSEGIRI, gond wager, Geo, fur- GENERAL BERVANT DE maeful GIRL wanted, George-at. with GOOD GENERAL, easy placo, wood wages, washing Darley, Strathdeld. A Gordon (lotel, Sydenham. toole, A HOUSEKEEPER, W.

Hounke hotel, p- city, Mira yuung beeno, and 41 active Woman: to A Roman young C'atholic. GIRL 36 MA Harrington la Chumh-bill, us-ful email RELIABLE Registry Office for Servants is now tickets. A at 847 Leichhardt. Estate, A REST. home.

GIRL 171 wanted for nr. general housework, eity, Apps, A SMART A.m., Bweeney's young Hotel, BARMAID Druitt and Clarence Apply wanted. BATART YOUDK MAN, for pantry. Beach's Newtown. A STEADY rant, GROOM, ale one Francis, used 201 to Ge caba; ree-at.

nu other return A MID Y. 80 ('Town-at. under1 Strathdeld ompt. H. P.

Newtown. A 18s, 140 superior Generuls, 108, 120 u. TMn. Perrie's, 184 Society, ener- Cooke, Hous-Parlour Maids, Lads, by GOODMAN, Young E. P.

M. Apply A A.m. nud 12, 40 Victoria -at. North, Potta Puint. University High A Prota-tant, experienced with children, required THOROUGH gOOd NEEDLEWOMAN, skilled in Widower an Working Housekeoper, good home.

State V. N. Glebe abort- hotel; also Barinaid, interview 11 a.m. 1 20 young per Needlewoman, good Cook, G.P.O. Pa lourmaida, private and bourding-houses, Nurse, letter, Depart- Daughter, General country Mr.

top 124, Youth, oh. G. butcher's shop and and Lelobbardt- Nurse, M. 150, 2 20 city W. T.

WATERS AND THE LEADERS OF FASHION. RELIABLE, WEIGHTY, WARM BLANKETS, BLANKETS, at cold, frosty prices, away below ZArO on the Commercial Barometer, FOR AWAKE HOUSEKEEPERS. This Department ban never approached the rare perfection that it enjoys to-day, both in regard to Quality Valuer, Our experience has accumulated, and is behind it. The sharpest uf competition De between a half-score of European factories has helped it. Our determination to set the Blanket Pace, and the of your liberal yourly support, bave spurred and kindled our enthusiasmn.

We have bought beyund the usual wholesale buunde, have gone outside uf regular territury, that the gods might be weightier and better than you would espies to find. Liberal selecting that was oxiravaguotly expensire, out carefully done, has brought together 1 must imposing exhibit at prices you cannut sibly afford to pass. WHITE BLANKETS. Bize for Single Beds, 6d, 58 11d, 0: 6d, 78 6d per pair. 11d, 88 6d.

8m 1id. 9a 8d. 11d, 6d, 128 6d, 168 114, 184 6d, 208. 6d, 160, 178 6d, 188 03, 92s 60, 20a 6d, 808. 224 6d, 459, 309, 358 6d.

428, 458, 504, 548 6d. COT BLANK 51 6d to 14a 64 per pair. GREY BLANKETS. Size 3d, 8a 90, 9. 0d per pair.

64, 11e 0d per pair. 6d, 60, 17s 9d per pair. SCARLET BLANKETS. Bize 11a 60. Hise 10 4, 156.

Bite 6d. NEW ZEALAND BLANKETS (KAIAPOI), Size 10.4...... 228 60, 528 328 6d, 684. 45s 6d, 47s 6d. 6d, Size 12 4......


"YOUNG Girl as General, small family, gun stove, gd. A WAKEN, Mra, l'atou, Kricroy, Stanmore. A. 20 NURSE Generals, and. ull nubs, Needlewoman, House and Parlour lady Md 11.30 large Mustion, exc, place: Nurse H.

Maid, easy place: friends, station, gund wakes. 60 Elizabeth -at. CAUTIFU1, THETA. from One GuineA A Bet, At guaranteed. Mr.

Spencer Nolan, 48 Ox ford-et. stronz, useful, accustomed to boat. Apply C'ontractor, Spectacle Inland. newt GENERALS, shirts given out, wages 124, Y. Burwo P.0.

CONCRETE Sneatacle Island, Apply Contractor, Island, in 150; 128: N. and L. d. 1658; 155, 128 .,84, 21 (man). hutel, southern line, und 259 164 Kitchenman, C'reagh-at.

208. Labour :62 Nurse, 148 Ladies' Maid, Nursery tuwn, £30 Mother and tuwn, 244 yK. Woman, for cooking, Groom and 12. ook. C.

E. Done. 7. Hunter -street, upstaire. Laundry, Wages 168 guod references required.

Apply thin $, Wednesday, any Metacom, Wolseley Point MIs. JOHN Piper wanted for N. industrious, SOBRAON, None must be man, auber and need apply with out relerencen us to ability and previous long service. Apply persunally en board between 0n.m. noll 4 p.m.

(3a-242) NOOKS and Cook, Laundresses, 184, 20s. Nurses, 10s, 128 Childien's N. Woman, 148. Maida and House I'. Sinids.

149, 168. hotel, 124; H. Waitreases, 10P, 128, Housemuid, 14a Cooks (2), 184. Mre. WOODIN, 52 Post MAN wanted.

garden and opp. useful. 2. Office-chainberr, 114A Pitt-street, G.P.0. per.

Herald office. Waiter, 208, city; sub. jobbing, 10g day; exp. Gardener, neeful, sub. (froom, milk, 10a in 15, station: Milk and deliver, 158; Kitchenman, 6d, Gardener and useful, 15e, sub.

smart Youths, 10. AFORIt Boys, 51 and board Youth, milk and drive, 1'8, 6d. 110 Bathurst street. K. Maid.

Laundress, 200 exp. Cook, does Coolie and Daughter, 25r, Mother and Daughter, £78, or 2 friende, station 1, 1., 188, 109; exp. Wall tens, 158, sub. Barmaid, Newrantle: 31. 68 Helpn, 10 Midday Waitress, (in, 10 vev.

Waitresser, 10, 1, Amid. H. P. Maid-, G. 124; Nurse and 104: H.

Maid, best' hotel, city: 8 17s, Bathurst-st. e'try IT. P. Maida, Nurse and 108, 110 FOoD for the some. Uncle to make thein Rolled strong Oata.

and handis Mother, ay Cook and And F.P. Maul, £60, district Parkes, fam. 6, good place, every convenience. EULO ROUSE, Miller Blue streets, North Shore. ENERAL wanted, 2 in family.

Apply 241 Moore Park-rd. ENFRAL for 4 adulta, gan stove, boy kept, city, Couk, 189 and I 11a: Nurs 108. 76 ENFRAL, given, refs. Wesles an Parsonage, Feldwick, 226 Waverley. ENERA1, for small adult family, Grocer, 87 -at.

near Nelson-st, Annandale. bov, 1 ENER no laund work, -mall refs. At. Bruemar, Womerb-avenue, D. lingburst.

ser- IRL used to Restaurant. Early, 290 Pitt-st. GOOD Shirt IRONEN, Also WASHER, constant. Royal Laundry, 44 Queen Woollahrs. 8.

ROOM, garden, milk, gen. young man, sotive. ge, And WARe, Baucalor, Herald Office. OUS KEEPER working, A superior general, must P.0. be goud co and accustomed famils, wages 155, no washing, 2 adult, reliable references.

P.O. Ullenwas N. Sydney, wishes (working), 1 lads, 14. Kreper, abou 90, Hub. 10e, 200 Parlour 164 2 178, hotela; 15g, IT.

M. Layard, Waits 25 128; wages 168, ADY famiir. AELP, Pervant domesticated, kept, R. homely, and Horald. useful, small or ADS (2) abant 15, station, milk and ride, must have parent-' written consent House- passage paid leave, goud place, EULO HOUSE, MillerBlue streets, North Shore.

E. ADY HELP wanted, two in family, small onttage. comfortable hue, all duties, companionship N.W., genuine assistance in honsehold duties expected. Office. alary, F.

Poet-ofice, Drummurne. milk, deliver, Tad, milk, Youtb, BIT. Pt. MAN, 10A, found. 7y Castl-reagh-st.

P.O, housemwid and laundress. for station, man cook, 72 Cantleresh-st. SAGE corner BOY Park Wanted. and No. Cartiereagh 17 sta.

Mra. Woman required 84 GENERAL with 69 Darlinghurst. Amal TO fond 0 children, good WAgER 78. Mrs. P.t)., Huroaby.

Manage N' UNBRGIRI, wanted, small family. Stanmore. Mire. Minilar ERY 128: useful Lad, Office. Drayton, 12 IN and Laundress.

to train. Min Blair. 117 Strand, mindle-aged Woman MA GENERAL. Apply 160 Newtown. 1.

UPERIOR GIRL N8 General, in family, 108. Paddington. MART General HELL for Huburb, also General with rooro, city. 89 York-st. STRONG conkirit.

Girl, Age, General, wager, family, l'adzow, Herald After House- NUP. IRL for 2 y'nu chil. and sewing. He. The Nouk, Moamun.

child PER OR young GENERAL, winall family. few UPERIOR GIRL, wanted from 10 till 6, for after 10, 201 Woollahrs. one sleep home. Moyneburst, Marshall Stanmore. or END all your Old Battered Spoons, Forks, Frames, Piano Sconces, Chandeliers, to HOLDSpriv.

WORTH, MACPHERSON, like new. 252 Aud cU. George-atreet, For a small Sydney. they will be made THOROUGHLY competent Housemwid wanted, -st. 'Ch.

of E. Girls' Gram. Upper D'burat. NIPUARTS wanted. near Apply at New Building, by Wanted, top 10 TIPCARTS.

P.O. Ronan, Conch- WAN ANTED, ArAL COOK, must be nober. Mrs. Hunter, Kentish Dining Rooms, Millor's Point. Bar- ANTED, Companion and Nurse to captain's wife, R.

8. F' cisco, railing vea'l, U.S. gen. ANTED, respectable GIRL, Peterham. about 16, ref.

Ophir, Addison small WANTED, unoful GIRL. Apply Thorpe's Stratbfleld. B. TED, MAN, garden, bont, generally Office. Cliff Towers, AN near HOUSER Ruse Bay.

EEPER, manager, ANTED, try. Apply It. Widow King-at. Help in A ANTED, family, Lady all H. duties, no Hornaby.

children, Manly. Help, ANTED, General SERVANT. Apply F. Rurson, Noswad, William-st Chat wood. neat yung GENERAL, plain cooking, personal ref.

Pref. 120 Boule'd, Lowisham. ANTED, WASHER. Clifton Laundry, off New lanterbury-rd. carters; Females.

ANTED, resp. Girl an GENERAL, references ADd P. Apply Mre, W. El. M' Intosh, Gordon.

Strand. WANTED, 10 Carte for Motal, from Wharf. Rundwick. John Walsh. Cowper Kider, ANTED, GIRL, assist house work, no General, sleep at home.

Paddington. General SERVAN goud laundress, small cooking. Apply I.oluma, Bayawater-rd. ANTED, 1 BARMAID, Hotel, for public bar. Glasgow Arms George -st.

ANTED, NURSEGIRL, neep at home, Apply General Victoria North, Darlinghurst. rel. WANTED Quarryman's GENERAT, Hutel, Premont. plain cooking. WANTED, GENERATE rele.

required, Tamily, Bernatein, 18 West. city. Girl GENERAL. Apply open Albert Yurong and Hyde GIRT. for general housework, good WA sleep at nome.

184 Pyimont. ANTED, rep. young House and P. MAID, 9.30 family. Min.

Wangenheim, 201 Victoria -at. ANTED, reap. Oirl, Vilian, about Roslyn 14, Restau- The Macleay STUNEBREAKER for Concrete. 0. need WANTED, co*ck, amperdowa.

ANTED, superior PANTRYMAID and waiting, refs. Hotel Buona Vieta, Mosman's. Helps. ANTED, yunng Woman, assist Men WE persunal nleep home. 7 Bligh country.

middle-aged Man, GARDENER and between 9 useful, Leigh light Joner, duties, 257 VI pref. ANTED, Apply RUM 60 Milnon's Point. eleep age. by WANTED, atrong GIRL, for house work, Hills. bleep 23 Albion-ate, Barry P.O, NTED, ro.

pearable Girl AN GENERAL. good VAN Wire, Ursett, 27 Walk N. sydnes. several Midday WAITRESS. 217 155 WANTED, Darlinghurt.

AITRE88, timed restaurant. Domain Cafe, 84 back St. Mary's, after 9 a.m. B. keep P.

ANTED, OmArt GIRL, suit generally, sloop Cook 9 Lower Domain. XXXXXX (LETTING THE CHILDREN READY FOR THE DUKE. If specially you at want the your YOUNG Boys and PEOPLE'S look TRIAL EXHIBITION, INDUS! Bring them to HORDERN'S IN PITT -STREET for their outfits, UPSTAIRS FOR GIBS. DOWNSTAIRS FOR BUYS, Our Everything outilta you are can the possibly kind that require for them, satisfaction, and bring custners give back complete SEASON AFTER SEASON. Prices -There and is that only in one thine better our prices, OUR QUALITY.

than Bring the Young People to HORDERN BROTHERS, SYDNEY'S 203, 205, LEADERS 207, 219, OF PASHIONE, SYDNEY. UP OPEN TO BIX EVERY 'CLOCK. WEDNESDAY RIGHT XX A The Deeuyed Pain, 482 A A A H. E20 and Blate wife oity. sewer, Scott, Cook 27 for plain Apply baby, Cruet outlay refs.

Kent- to N'estle. Apply Hotel, useful. counsmall Mre. no 87 indis- omoolou no Apply 71 Apply Mrw. after Park.

to 3 in NurscGardens. Poassist housecity. George-st. home home. Mrs.

Woolhome. Servants Wanted. By ANTED, Iney Steamn experienced Laundry, Crown WASHERS and POLDER and Stanley ate. WANTED, references. Girl -ply AN 110 GENERAL, Williatn-st.

plain WANTED E. young Wacgenheim, Girl 203 House Nud Victorin-at. Parlour Nora, MAID, ANTED, Geneil HELP, hue duties, Lockyer, 210 Oxford opposite Bairseks, Laundry, ANTED, GIKLS for folding. Wilson's Bras off Sunry Billa. WANTED, El sleep Kitchenmun, in.

63 used to op. restaurant, Keel ANTED, work, Prot. preferred. GIRL, 24 about 11, armint light bout Newtown, WANT work, br open o'c. 10 good pla re as Ntr.

WANTED, A goneral Newtown, Apply 448 Kay WANTED, good Forth GENE Nel-on TAL, 2 in Woullehra. family, Loni WANTED, au Cafe, Imperial experienced Arcade, WAITRESS, MAT ANTED, Dixon, clean, corner reliable Fig and General, Harris guod wages, mi WANTED, to Choring-ciosa, help and Waverley. mind child. ANTED, goud Shirt, Starch IKONERS. berley Laundry, 54 24 respectable Darlington, BOY, for hotel, be meht spl.

ANTED, place, young 104, Mitter's, 5a family, Darling hotel, sadat WANTED 4 Gula, Man, ven. to 144: y. othe. fur 19 bu; R.Y, WAN week respectable at home. UIRI, 129 Os housework; So ANTED.

GROOM, useful. Apply with refs, Kerr, Grsuville, between 2 and 3 p.m. 10 TANTE A ating Inn SERVANT. Apply a.m., Albert Hot Dr city. WA ANTED, young opp.

Ourl, University able (inter, couk, Forest vul, Loin A7 ANTED at once. Wist And FOLDERS, Hanger out, Machine Handy, St. ANTED, General MERVANT, able to conk, Washing. Federal Intel, Rag an Wat'l ANTED, rasp. Girl an Cieneral Useful.

Apply o'clock, 40 Enmaure, ANTED, resp. Gril, about 17, 10 honserat, Before 14 a.m., F. Verco, 84 London-st. ANTED, LAD to look after horse, sulky, and week and keep. A.

Afitchell, 145 WANTED, re- pectabie Girl Paddington. Mother a HELP. ANTED, resp. GIRL, about 14, little light abind baby, alerp hiDe. Min.

Mi Kee, 439 smart LAD for a fish and nyster Alter 3 o'clock. 319 Paddington. ANTED, god young learn Sorting. Perth St am Laundry, Balmain, ANTED, Girl, 10. an-ist in kitchen work, useful, sleep home pier.

:64 Belm, WA deen ANTED, Laundry, Shirt 177 and Collar IRON Balusio at Rant, once. Abere AN 8 good General Servant, Lamperdowo. refs. Cail mg. Mr morning.

foid ANTED, Dining EN SE 55 c*nt yo restaurant. eity. 01- ANTED, Dining mart Rooms, h5 experienced WAITHESS. city. Oxford WANTED, young MAN At.

as Useful, Apply 172 Goon WANTED, Hotel. respectable Girl no ydney. NURSE. Apply Boy ANTED, smart Second COOK. 71 city.

ANTED, Light General, no washing or also one to a After 9, 15 young MAN, thorougbly undental hotnes, Apply 1 Annandale. 7 ANTED, young GIRL, a-sist with housers Ocean Wave Note, Gloucester-st l'hurch-bil, ANTED, YOU wad to produce, wond, and Apply early, 5. atheriue-st, Leichhardr. wIRL, 14, mind baby and assist, home, wages 3a wk. 154 A good Grneral PERVANT, good Davoren a Hotel, Haymarket, AN LEI, 6 good one Nurne, wages de 5, 14, 12.

Wright's Keg. Unice, 159 ANI ED, guod tidy G1KL, to assi-t in bout, WV Apply Belinore Dotel Up. VAN Furge-0, younz butcher, SAN to delivec urders. Kedfers. ANTED, light GANERAL, adults, plain small Lu 77 ANTED, young GIRL, used childreu, home.

Ramsyate House, Olebe. WA ANTED, a Mra. young P. Gil Taylor, d8 69 GENTRAL. city, ANTED, LAUNDRESS fur Mondays.

unce, Royal Hotel, A ANTED, young GIRL, about 10, As all Luzles, 5 Gulden ANT. Single MAN, groom, must be sober. 11, Eddies, 15 Arundel-terrace, Firest Lodge. ANTED, sup. ya.

Per or undertake dutia b'hold wurk, Wed. half-hol. 67 ANTED, smart BOY, deliver milk, Petersham. WA ANTED, Hilling on, resp. 2 GIRL, Golden good cook, small Kedfers, kind Person to ATTEND invades refs.

No. 4 Lewisham. young for housework, no WANTED I No. 31 Petersbatu. ANTED, reap, GIRL 17 A8 Mother's 6s.

Apply Ashfleld, ANTED, Am WAIT good reference quired. Apply 143 ANTED, start reap. about 16, generally ful, reference req. Dul wich WANTED, thorough General Moore Park. SERVANT.

600 7 ANTED, respectable Worsen GENERAL No. 21 Redierti. ANTED, young GIRL, with Apn alter 10, 35 Mort-st. Moore Park. A7 several Ca.

H. P. Mails, places, all suburbs. Tullfree, L' ANTED, Hous-muid, A refa. GIRL, to be traland Mia, HAR OLD TRAIL.L, Degre Doone, Nicholson-street, ANTED, competent COnK, references, before 11 or at 2 p.m., MY.

RUSSELL FRENCH, Ston-leigh, Upper Dowling-etreet, ANTED. thorougbly competent COOK, reforences required, good wages, Apply from 10 to 19 at The French Consulate-General, 2 Bond WANTED, female Practical Labour for FARMERS, all industries, Gardener, all not obtain Apply by letter only until further T. W. BACHELL, 40 Wellington-street, ANTED, superior GIRL, light bousehold care of one child.

Apply, Mr. SCOTT, Vavau, Gladst duties, ANTED, no a washing, respeotable good young home. Apply GENERAL, flor, A. 8., Herald ANTED, 15s, Man, garden 8 Station Lads, 100, 19 and sub. Youth, 108 Waiter, El, B.

Rider, £40. HIITMANN'8 1.. 87 Housekeepr, H. 168, 1 120, and 3 OKKING hotel, sub, H. no c'king, assist bar, 14 Ca.

149 to 18a, towa, sink sev, G. Servants, 10s to Waitre-ser, 104 H. 10e, sub. 87 M. and Waitress, 158; 4 FOUNG assist 301 WOE mall fam, wood Maid, 2 N'eatle, 159 I home.

14m Cook, I'kreper. ten, Alaid, 2 t. (linc), L'otta Pt. 158 10 Gens. othere, 39 Huater Wuhronnga, Prot, MORNING HERALI SYDNEY ONE PENNY PERL COPY.

In Advance: ed per week, 6s 6d per quartet ADVERTIsem*nTS. to account must! bars All authorization advertisem*nts of insertion. charged The number of times the to appear must be No stated, verbal communication can bel otherwise they will be till counterinanded. tended While to. every care in exercised, the proprietors du responsible otherwise: non-insertion of reserve ad to selves through the accident right of omitting advertisem*nts the usual courve of business they appen paid for in be objectionable.

replies to ad For the be convenience rent to of the Herald advertisers, Office, Hontelatm also menta the may Branch Office, King -street but the proprieton Advertisem*nts ate responsibility classified in thin far respect. possible fo readers. the Advertisers manuscript will oblige order, by la eating, in, particular the first heading line of the advertisem*nt or abould app which care in taken in cisaiAcaLion, no respon While every Hity is Advertisers accepted. the country can remit payment by Money Order, Postal and Noto-, Marriages, or Postage 3a each Stamps. insertion.

includes Birthe, publication in the Sydney Mail. Notices of BIRTHS and with DEATE8 the name cannot and be this journal unless endorred the Notices person of by whom MARRIAGES they are cannot sent. be inserted unless fled This as correct rule in by the rendered uficinting necessary in consequence of Minister on notices having been sent for publication the and purpose malicious andoying persons, advertisem*nts RETU IN MEMORIAM THANKS, Pillar 3a Box each at insertion. Retdern Railway Station for receip The and communications in cleared every advertisem*nts ing at 8.00, 9.90, wad 10.30. Published by Morning FAIRFAS -Printed and and SoNs, at Hunter the streets, of Wednesday, Sydney, May 12, 1901 -1.

The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)


The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia? ›

The contemporary editorial stance of the Sydney Morning Herald is generally centrist. It has been described as the most centrist of Australia's three major news publications (the others being The Australian and The Age).

Is The Sydney Morning Herald left wing bias? ›

The contemporary editorial stance of the Sydney Morning Herald is generally centrist. It has been described as the most centrist of Australia's three major news publications (the others being The Australian and The Age).

What is the main newspaper in Sydney? ›

The Sydney Morning Herald is the most-read newspaper in Australia, with over eight million readers as of 2021.

Where is The Sydney Morning Herald headquarters? ›

In person. Drop documents in unsigned envelopes between 8am-5pm, Monday to Friday, at our street address at 1 Denison Street, North Sydney, with attention to a specific journalist or to the Herald investigations team. Include in the package your Signal, WhatsApp or Protonmail address for return communication.

Is the Sun Herald and The Sydney Morning Herald the same? ›

It is the Sunday counterpart of the Sydney Morning Herald. In the six months to September 2005, The Sun-Herald had a circulation of 515,000.

What political party does the Herald support? ›

The Herald declares in every edition that it does not endorse any political party.

Is the Herald a tabloid? ›

The paper existed as an evening broadsheet paper for 91 years, before transitioning to a tabloid format in 1982. In March 2013 The Evening Herald became the Herald, adjusting its publishing schedule and becoming a morning paper.

What is the most widely read newspaper in Australia? ›

The Herald Sun has the highest circulation in Australia.

What are the two national newspapers in Australia? ›

These include: The Sydney Morning Herald, The Daily Telegraph (Sydney), The Age (Melbourne), The Herald Sun (Melbourne) and The Canberra Times. The two national daily newspapers are The Australian and The Australian Financial Review, which are owned by different companies.

Is the Daily Telegraph conservative? ›

The Daily Telegraph is politically conservative and has endorsed the Conservative Party at every UK general election since 1945.

Who are the competitors of The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The Herald's main rival in Sydney, News Corp's The Daily Telegraph, reported an audience of 4.9 million. In the same period The Australian Financial Review, which is owned by Nine Entertainment Co (the owner of this masthead), had an audience of 3.4 million.

How big is The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The Sydney Morning Herald is the country's most read masthead, with a cross-platform readership of 7.3 million Australians, according to the latest Total News readership figures released by Roy Morgan.

Is The Sydney Morning Herald and the age the same? ›

The newspaper shares some articles with its sister newspaper the Sydney Morning Herald. The Age is considered a newspaper of record for Australia, and has variously been known for its investigative reporting, with its journalists having won dozens of Walkley Awards, Australia's most prestigious journalism prize.

Who is the target audience of The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

Source: Roy Morgan Research; people 14+ for the 12 months ending June 2024. The Herald is proudly committed to fearless, independent and accurate journalism and to generating quality analysis and opinion. We also seek comment from our readers to guarantee fairness and balance in all that we do.

Who reads The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The Sydney Morning Herald has maintained its position as Australia's most-read masthead, with a cross-platform readership of 7.2 million, according to figures released by Roy Morgan on Monday.

Who is the editor of The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

Bevan Shields is the Editor of The Sydney Morning Herald.

Is the Herald Sun a conservative newspaper? ›

The Herald Sun is a conservative daily tabloid newspaper based in Melbourne, Australia, published by The Herald and Weekly Times, a subsidiary of News Corp Australia, itself a subsidiary of the Murdoch owned News Corp.

Is Boston Herald liberal or conservative? ›

Boston Herald
Cover from February 3, 2013
Political alignmentConservative
Headquarters100 Grossman Dr. 4th Floor Braintree, Massachusetts 02184 United States
Circulation25,000 weekdays in 2020 73,913 Saturdays in Q1–2 FY2013 45,833 Sundays
9 more rows

Is the Daily Star left or right wing? ›

Daily Star (United Kingdom)
TypeDaily newspaper
PublisherReach plc
EditorJon Clark (paper), Andrew Gilpin (online)
Founded2 November 1978
Political alignmentLabour (historical) Politically neutral (current)
7 more rows

What wing is the mirror newspaper? ›

Daily. Daily Mirror – mainstream newspaper which has consistently supported the Labour Party since the 1945 general election. The Guardian – mainstream newspaper which has consistently supported centre-left politics, either reflected by the Labour Party or the Liberal Democrats.

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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

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Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.